Sustainability Dual Major

You love our forests, oceans, and lakes. You care about equity and social justice. You're curious about clean energy. The sustainability dual major is a unique opportunity to enhance your impact and the value of your degree. As a science and practice, sustainability seeks solutions to our world's greatest challenges while ensuring social, economic, and environmental wellbeing at local to global scales You can pair the dual major with any other major on campus, developing the knowledge and skills you'll need to problem-solve and create a world where people and nature can thrive – now and in the future.  

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes, if primary major is a Bachelor of Arts
Declared Primary Major

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Sustainability Dual Major Requirements

The dual major requires 32 credits, including core and elective courses, and a capstone experience.

Complete the following SUST courses (in order):
SUST 401Exploring Sustainability4
SUST 501Sustainability in Action4
SUST 750Sustainability Capstone4
Select 20 credits of elective courses 120
Total Credits32

All SUST majors will take at least one (1) elective course from the natural & biological sciences list and at least one (1) elective course from the social science and humanities list.

Natural Biological Systems
AGFS 405Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production4
AGFS 410A Taste of the Tropics4
AGFS 502Agroecology4
AGFS 632Urban Agriculture4
BIOL 541WEcology4
CEE 505Introduction to Sustainable Engineering3
CEE 520Environmental Pollution and Protection: A Global Context4
CEE 706Environmental Life Cycle Assessment3
CEE 719Green Building Design3
CEP 673Green Real Estate4
ECOG 401Introduction to Ecogastronomy4
ESCI 405Global Environmental Change4
ESCI 409Geology and the Environment4
GEOG 550Sub-Saharan Africa: Environmental Politics and Development4
GEOG 560Natural Hazards and Human Disasters4
GEOG 574Global Landscapes and Environmental Processes4
ESCI 502Beaches and Coasts4
ESCI 765Paleoclimatology3
GEOG 572Geography of the Natural Environment4
GEOG 670Climate and Society4
HLS 580Environmental and Human Security4
MARI 705Introduction to Marine Policy: Understanding US Ocean, Coastal and Great Lakes Policy3
MEFB 702Sustainable Marine Fisheries4
MEFB 772Fisheries Biology: Conservation and Management4
NR 435Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness4
NR 507Introduction to our Energy System and Sustainable Energy4
NR 650Principles of Conservation Biology4
NR 703Watershed Water Quality Management4
NR 785Systems Thinking for Sustainable Solutions4
NUTR 595Mediterranean Diet and Culture4
NUTR 730From Seed to Sea: Examining Sustainable Food Systems4
SUST 600Sustainability Independent Study1-4
SUST 605Sustainability Internship1-4
Social Systems & Humanities
ANTH 697Special Topics4
CMN 540Special Topics in Communication (Introduction to Civil Discourse)4
CLAS 540AEnvironment, Technology and Ancient Society: Sustaining Ancient Rome Ecology and Empire4
CMN 657WMedia and the Environment4
CMN 675Civil Discourse Lab: Public Dialogue, Equity, & Authenticity2
ECON 633Microfinance4
ECON 706Economics of Climate Change4
ENGL 736Environmental Theory4
ENGL 787English Major Seminar4
FIN 620Topics in Finance I4
FIN 720Topics in Finance II (The Finance of CSR and ESG Investing )4
GEOG 405There Is No Planet B4
GEOG 500Making Change: Social and Environmental Justice in Practice4
GEOG 581Society, Environment and Justice4
GEOG 673Political Ecology4
GEOG 701Environmental Justice4
HMP 501Epidemiology and Community Medicine4
HMP 715Environmental Health4
IA 401International Perspectives4
INCO 505ABecoming a Problem Solver4
INCO 505BSocial Innovator's Toolbox4
INCO 505IInternship: Semester in the City (Boston) or Semester for Impact (NH)8
MKTG 620Topics in Marketing (Sustainability and Marketing )4
NAIS 400Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies4
NR 444The New Pirates of the Caribbean4
NR 572Introduction to Natural Resource Economics4
NR 602Natural Resources and Environmental Policy4
NR 643Economics of Forestry4
NR 720International Environmental Politics and Policies for the 21st Century4
NR 724Resolving Environmental Conflicts4
NR 784Sustainable Living - Global Perspectives4
NR 787Advanced Topics in Sustainable Energy4
PHIL 431Business Ethics4
PAUL 670BiP-Analytical Intelligence Topics (B-Impact Clinic, Carbon Clinic )2
PHIL 450Environmental Ethics4
POLT 444Politics and Policy in a Warming World4
POLT 548Drug Wars4
PSYC 760WEcopsychology4
RMP 511Issues of Wilderness and Nature in American Society4
SC 680Global Supply Chain Management 4
SOC 444AHonors/Society in the Arctic4
SOC 450Contemporary Social Problems4
SOC 565Environment and Society4
SOC 665Environmental Sociology4
SOC 693Global Change and Social Sustainability4
SOC 730Communities and the Environment4
SUST 600Sustainability Independent Study1-4
SUST 605Sustainability Internship1-4
SW 440AHonors/Healthy Communities: Environmental Justice and Social Change4
WGS 505Survey in Women's Studies4
WGS 798WColloquium4

Program Learning Outcomes

Comprehend Grand Challenges

  • Students gain knowledge of the fundamental aspects of complex sustainability challenges.

Think in Systems

  • Students have an ability to analyze and synthesize the interconnections among environmental, social, and economic aspects of complex systems, as well as how problems manifest at different scales (local to global) and at different times (connections between past, present, and future).

Advocate for Values

  • Students can identify, assess, respect, and navigate the diverse values, interests, and types of knowledge inherent in sustainability challenges, while simultaneously addressing power imbalances and promoting social justice.

Apply Knowledge to a Lifetime of Action

  • Personal practice: Students understand how sustainability impacts their lives and can assess how their actions impact sustainability at personal, institutional, and societal levels.
  • Professional practice: All students, regardless of major, understand how their professional work contributes to sustainable communities, can apply disciplinary and other forms of knowledge and skills to contribute to sustainable solutions.
  • Collaborative practice: Students learn how to collaborate across disciplines and across sectors to jointly determine project goals, create knowledge, and develop innovative and effective solutions to sustainability challenges.