UNH is a proud national leader in sustainability. From our low-carbon campus, to our Green Restaurant dining halls and diversity, equity, access & inclusion initiatives, UNH is the place to study and live sustainability. The Sustainability Dual Major (SDM) is a unique transdisciplinary program that enhances the value of your degree with real-world problem solving and systems thinking skills highly sought after in today’s workplace. We support and encourage students to understand and address today’s most pressing challenges like climate change, poverty, hunger, and biodiversity loss (to name just a few), with hands-on experiences through coursework, internships, fellowships and more. UNH is the perfect place to jumpstart your career and become an agent of change in a complex world.
Sustainability (SUST)
SUST 401 - Exploring Sustainability
Credits: 4
How can we ensure dignity and wellbeing for all people, now and in the future, while protecting the earth's life supporting systems? We'll explore answers to this question through the transdisciplinary science, philosophy, and practice of sustainability. You'll develop systems thinking skills to analyze the environmental, social, and economic aspects of complex, interrelated challenges like climate change, global inequality, hunger, and biodiversity loss. Through active discussions, hands-on projects, and examples from UNH and our surrounding community, you'll learn about the many ways we can take action to create a more sustainable world.
Attributes: Environment,TechSociety(Disc)
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SUST 401H - Honors/Exploring Sustainability
Credits: 4
How can we ensure dignity and wellbeing for all people, now and in the future, while protecting the earth’s life supporting systems? We’ll explore answers to this question through the transdisciplinary science, philosophy, and practice of sustainability. You’ll develop systems thinking skills to analyze the environmental, social, and economic aspects of complex, interrelated challenges like climate change, global inequality, hunger, and biodiversity loss. Through active discussions, hands-on projects, and examples from UNH and our surrounding community, you’ll learn about the many ways we can take action to create a more sustainable world.
Attributes: Environment,TechSociety(Disc); Honors course
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SUST 501 - Sustainability in Action
Credits: 4
This course explores what sustainability action entails from academic and practitioner perspectives. One of the goals of the course is to encourage strategic thinking and leadership development. We look at the interdependent nature of social and ecological challenges, consider effects of paradigms, mindsets, and power dynamics, and explore sustainability tools including systems thinking, inter-and transdisciplinary approaches, sustainability leadership strategies, effective messaging and communication, creating shared value (CSV), and stakeholder theory and analysis. We apply these tools by brainstorming viable sustainability solutions for business, non-profit, government, educational, or other organizations and provide current and local context for the material we cover.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): SUST 401 with a minimum grade of D-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading
SUST 600 - Sustainability Independent Study
Credits: 1-4
SUST 600 will provide an independent study to students who are interested in studying of a topic in sustainability in depth. Due to the highly personalized nature of SUST 600, the specific readings, activities and assignments will vary based on student interests and disciplinary backgrounds. At a minimum, students will be guided in how to prepare a project proposal, place their work within the current literature on the topic, and complete a final project.
Prerequisite(s): SUST 401 with a minimum grade of D-.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
SUST 605 - Sustainability Internship
Credits: 1-4
This course will provide credit for practical work or a project experience in sustainability. The purpose of the course is to gain practical experience working in a sustainability field while simultaneously achieving specific learning goals pre-identified by the student and faculty mentor.
Prerequisite(s): SUST 401 with a minimum grade of D-.
Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.
Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading
SUST 750 - Sustainability Capstone
Credits: 4
The Sustainability Capstone is the culminating experience for students in the Sustainability Dual Major (SDM). The overall format of the course is to: 1) synthesize learning from other core and elective courses taken for the SDM and 2) work in groups to apply knowledge to a community-based, action-research project that addresses a specific sustainability issue at UNH or in the broader community. All groups present their work at UNH’s Undergraduate Research Conference, submit a research paper, and complete other deliverables as needed to meet their project goals. Students will develop competence in community-based action-research methodologies and professional skills in facilitative leadership, collaborative project management and writing, community engagement, and equity assessments. Students will also create an online professional portfolio that highlights their sustainability experience and perspectives.
Attributes: Writing Intensive Course
Prerequisite(s): SUST 401 with a minimum grade of C- and SUST 501 with a minimum grade of C-.
Grade Mode: Letter Grading