Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research


The Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research encourages students to design and carry out research, scholarly, or creative projects in collaboration with faculty mentors. To facilitate this, the Hamel Center offers a variety of competitive research awards and fellowships specifically for undergraduate students.  Research may take place during the academic year, January Term, or over the summer, with a wide range of programs available to suit each student's particular needs:

Once projects are completed, student researchers may receive further support from a Research Presentation Grant to present their work at a national or international conference. Students may also publish their research findings in UNH's online undergraduate research journal, Inquiry; write about their research experience on the Hamel Center’s Undergraduate Research Blog; and/or present their research at UNH's Undergraduate Research Conference (URC).

Hamel Center research opportunities are available to students across ALL disciplines.

By conducting research at the undergraduate level, students gain professional skills, hands-on experience, and the opportunity to present and publish their findings in professional venues. Awards from the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research open doors on real-world disciplinary practice, graduate school, post-baccalaureate fellowships, and professional careers. For information about undergraduate research awards and programs, the Inquiry journal, or the URC, contact the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research at 118 Conant Hall, (603) 862-4323, or visit the website at www.unh.edu/undergrad-research.