Human Services Major: Applied Psychology Option (B.S.)

The Bachelor of Science in Human Services is designed for students with career interests in human services. This program offers graduates the opportunity to provide access to assistance programs, offer support, and improve the quality of life for those in need while working with individuals and the community at both the local and state level. The applied psychology option introduces students to the research basis of psychology.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 120 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 30 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.0 is required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: General Education Program
Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*GPA: Major and any state certification GPA requirements may be higher and are indicated in program details.
A minimum grade of C- is required in all Major coursework. Some programs may have higher grade requirements for Major coursework as noted in the Major requirements section below. Students are allowed a maximum of two course overlaps. Overlaps can be used between Major, Minor, and General Education requirements with only 8 credits overlapped between the Major and Minor. Please note that Option requirements are considered part of the Major. Students must complete 16 upper-level credits in majors within the College of Professional Studies, Online.

General Education Program Requirements

A minimum grade of D- is required in all General Education coursework. Students are allowed a maximum of two course overlaps. Overlaps can be used between Major, Minor and General Education requirements with only 8 credits overlapped between the Major and Minor.

All General Education requirements must be taken prior to the capstone.

ENG 420The Writing Process4
COM 460Interpersonal Communication and Group Dynamics4
COM 480Visual Communication4
CRIT 501Introduction to Critical Inquiry4
Select one of the following:4
Math for Our World
Knowledge of Human Behavior & Social Systems4
Knowledge of the Physical & Natural World4
Knowledge of Human Thought & Expression4
CRIT 602Advanced Critical Analysis and Strategic Thinking4
IDIS 601AInterdisciplinary Seminar: Being Happy4
or IDIS 601B Interdisciplinary Seminar: Business of Beer
or IDIS 601C Interdisciplinary Seminar: Paranormal Activities
Total Credits40

Writing Program Requirements

All bachelor's degree candidates are required to complete four writing intensive courses as part of the University Writing Program Requirements as follows:

The Writing Process
One Writing Intensive course in the Major
One Writing Intensive course at the 600-level or above
One Additional Writing Intensive Course

Writing Intensive courses are identified with the label "Writing Intensive Course" in the "Attributes" section of the course description and/or a W following the course number.


Major Requirements

Prior to capstone enrollment, students are expected to complete all General Education program requirements. Students should consult with their advisor regarding specific major courses that may be completed with their capstone. Refer to the Degree Plan for a sample course sequence. Academic Advisor approval is required for registration to be processed.

Major in Human Services
Foundation Courses
HMSV 424Human Services and the Helping Process4
HMSV 480Case Management4
PSY 410Introduction to Psychology4
or SOCI 410 Introduction to Sociology
Intermediate Courses
Select two of the following:8
Organizational Behavior
Human Development
Dynamics of Family Relationships
HMSV 595Field-Based Practicum in Human Services4
or HMSV 597 Project-Based Practicum in Human Services
Advanced Courses
HLTC 690Law and Ethics for Health Care and Human Services4
MGMT 608Fostering Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace4
or SOSC 710 Social Stratification and Inequality
Option in Applied Psychology
MTH 504Statistics4
IDIS 560Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences4
Select two of the following:8
Social Psychology
Theories of Personality
Psychology of Adulthood
Principles of Psychopathology
Cognitive Psychology
Race & Diversity in the U.S.
Men and Women in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Integrative Capstone
HMSV 795Integrative Capstone: Internship in Human Services4
or HMSV 797 Integrative Capstone: Project in Human Services
Total Credits52


Open electives are courses students will need to take in addition to their general education and major requirements in order to satisfy the remaining credit totals for their programs. Open electives are defined as any credit course offered by the College not already included in the student's general education, major, option or minor. Students will need 120 credits total to graduate with a bachelor's degree from the Online Division of the College of Professional Studies.

This degree plan is a sample and does not reflect the impact of transfer credit or current course offerings. UNH CPS Online undergraduate students should develop individual academic plans with their academic advisor during their first year at UNH.

Sample Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENG 420 The Writing Process 4
HMSV 424 Human Services and the Helping Process 4
PSY 410
Introduction to Psychology
or Introduction to Sociology
General Education 4
COM 460 Interpersonal Communication and Group Dynamics 4
CRIT 501 Introduction to Critical Inquiry 4
HMSV 480 Case Management 4
MTH 402
Math for Our World
or Statistics
or Pre-Calculus
Second Year
COM 480 Visual Communication 4
PSY 525
Human Development
or Dynamics of Family Relationships
or Organizational Behavior
General Education Course 4
Elective 4
HMSV 595
Field-Based Practicum in Human Services
or Project-Based Practicum in Human Services
SOSC 675
Dynamics of Family Relationships
or Human Development
or Organizational Behavior
General Education Course 4
Elective 4
Third Year
CRIT 602 Advanced Critical Analysis and Strategic Thinking 4
HLTC 690 Law and Ethics for Health Care and Human Services 4
MTH 504 Statistics 4
PSY 530
Social Psychology
or Theories of Personality
or Psychology of Adulthood
or Principles of Psychopathology
or Cognitive Psychology
or Biopsychology
or Race & Diversity in the U.S.
or Men and Women in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
IDIS 560 Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences 4
PSY 602
Theories of Personality
or Social Psychology
or Psychology of Adulthood
or Principles of Psychopathology
or Cognitive Psychology
or Biopsychology
or Race & Diversity in the U.S.
or Men and Women in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Elective 4
Elective 4
Fourth Year
Interdisciplinary Seminar: Being Happy
or Interdisciplinary Seminar: Business of Beer
or Interdisciplinary Seminar: Paranormal Activities
SOSC 710
Social Stratification and Inequality
or Fostering Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace
Elective 4
Elective 4
HMSV 797
Integrative Capstone: Project in Human Services
or Integrative Capstone: Internship in Human Services
Elective 4
 Total Credits120

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Differentiate and critically analyze the concepts, theories, and methods of inquiry pertinent to human services.
  • Apply the concepts, theories, and methods of human services.
  • Apply ethical principles that inform and guide practice in human services and relevant subfields.
  • Communicate in multiple modalities the needs of a diversity of client populations.