Family Studies Minor

This minor explores evolving family structures in contemporary American society.
NOTE: This minor may not be declared with the following majors: BS Human Services: Family Studies or BS Applied Psychology: Family Studies.

All minor courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C-, and a 2.0 grade point average must be maintained in courses for the minor. Two courses must be at the upper level (600 or 700). Only 8 credits may overlap between major and minor.


Minor Requirements

PSY 470Child Development4
or PSY 480 Infant and Toddler Development
PSY 630Psychology of Adulthood4
or SOSC 630 Aspects of Aging and Older Adulthood in a Modern Society
SOSC 680Stress and the Family4
or SOSC 675 Dynamics of Family Relationships
SOCI 675Child Abuse and Neglect4
or PSY 646 Psychology of Occupational Stress
SOSC 710Social Stratification and Inequality4
Total Credits20

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop a foundation of knowledge related to evolving and diverse familial structures within the American Society.
  • Apply knowledge of relationship dynamics to social, human service, or psychological professional contexts.