Animal Behavior Minor

This minor is designed for students who are interested in learning more about animal behavior, including the mechanisms that underlie behaviors and the evolutionary forces that may have shaped them. Students will also gain practical skills in the methods used to study animal behavior in laboratory and field settings.

  • Academic policies related to Minors.
  • Students must earn a grade of C- or better in all courses taken for the minor.
  • No more than 8 credits taken for the minor may be used toward a student's major.
ZOOL 613WAnimal Behavior5
Minimum of 15 additional credits; At least two of the four electives must come from the Category I list below; the remaining courses may be from either Category I or Category II.
Category I:
MEFB 714Field Animal Behavior4
NSB 727Animal Communication4
PSYC 720Animal Cognition4
ZOOL 726Conservation Behavior4
ZOOL 733WBehavioral Ecology4
ZOOL 736Genes and Behavior4
ZOOL 740Acoustic Ecology4
ZOOL 777WNeuroethology4
ZOOL 795Independent Investigations in Zoology1-4
Category II:
AAS 421Large Animal Behavior and Handling Techniques2
BIOL 720Plant-Animal Interactions4
BMS 718Mammalian Physiology4
PSYC 512Psychology of Primates4
ZOOL 625Principles of Animal Physiology3
ZOOL 690Evolution4