Genetics Minor

Students in other majors who wish to develop a focus in the area of genetics and genomics can complement their major academic program with a minor in genetics. 

Academic policies related to Minors.

The minor consists of a minimum of 20 credits, completed with a grade of C-minus or better. 

  • No more than 8 credits used to fulfill major requirements may be used for the minor.
  • Minimum grade of C (2.00) is required in courses that the minor department approves.
  • Pass/fail courses cannot be used for the minor.
GEN 604Principles of Genetics4
Transmission/Population Genetics Courses
Select one course from the following:
GEN 705Population Genetics3
GEN 725Population Genetics Lab2
GEN 706Human Genetics4
GEN 713Microbial Ecology and Evolution4
GEN 715Molecular Evolution4
GEN 772Evolutionary Genetics of Plants4
ANSC 612Genetics of Animals4
NR 664Conservation Genetics and Applied Evolution4
Molecular Genetics Courses
Select one course from the following:
GEN 704Microbial Genetics and Genomics5
GEN 711Genomics and Bioinformatics4
GEN 712Programming for Bioinformatics5
GEN 717Molecular Microbiology5
GEN 721Comparative Genomics4
GEN 771Molecular Genetics4
BMCB 754Molecular Biology Research Methods5
Additional Courses
Select two additional elective courses from the above lists.

A maximum of 4 credits of GEN 795 Investigations in Genetics may be used to fulfill minor requirements.