Agriculture and Food Systems Minor

Encompassing a broad mixture of the natural sciences, social sciences, and business skills, agriculture and food systems is an interdisciplinary field that lies at the center of many of the major challenges facing the world, such as producing food to meet the needs of an ever-growing population while conserving natural resources and promoting human wellness. An understanding of these challenges and potential solutions can enhance any career.

The required coursework for this minor provides an introduction to sustainable and organic agriculture practices, including an array of strategies to sustainably manage soil, nutrient, water, and genetic resources.  Students gain more in-depth knowledge of agriculture and food systems by selecting from a diverse array of electives focused on production systems, management, and/or policy.

Undergraduates in any major field of study (except current majors) may minor in Agriculture and Food Systems.

Academic policies related to Minors.

Required Courses
AGFS 405Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production4
Select 16 credits from the following courses: 116
Introduction to Forage and Grassland Management
Green Thumb Workshop
A Taste of the Tropics
Introductory Horticulture
Fruit Crop Production
Food Systems & Community Resilience
Urban Agriculture
Plant Pathology
Systems Thinking: Land Use Capability and Sustainability in Aotearoa New Zealand
Agroecology and Sustainable Land Management in Aotearoa New Zealand
Pathways to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Aotearoa New Zealand
Agricultural Production and Business Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
Food Production Field Experience I
Food Production Field Experience II
Greenhouse Management and Operation
Agricultural and Food Policy
Advanced Topics in Agriculture and Food Systems
Food System Solutions; Increasing Sustainability and Equity
Integrated Pest Management
Introduction to Animal Science
Collaborative Farm Design and Development
Studio Soils
Food and Society
From Seed to Sea: Examining Sustainable Food Systems
Principles of Aquaculture
Total Credits20

Electives - 16 credits of elective coursework, 8 credits must be at the 600/700 level, selected from the courses listed.

Students are encouraged to discuss their intent to minor with the minor advisor as early as possible, typically no later than the end of the junior year. Not all classes are offered every year.