Social Justice Leadership Minor

The minor in social justice leadership engages students in an exploration of policies, power dynamics, institutions and structures that promote and hinder equity and processes of change required for social justice. Students will examine various forms of injustice such as sexism, racism, classism, ableism and environmental degradation. The minor is grounded in three pillars — a theory component, a leadership component and experiential learning activities. The minor is interdisciplinary in nature, drawing on disciplines such as anthropology, education, English, history, philosophy, political science, social work and sociology. After completing the curriculum, students will have gained a historical perspective, theoretical understanding and applied leadership skills that are needed for social justice work and activism. The minor certifies students' knowledge regarding, and commitment to, social justice leadership, which will be useful in postgraduate pursuits.

Students who wish to minor in social justice leadership should consult with the department chair or coordinator.

Academic policies related to Minors.

Required Courses
WGS 401Introduction to Women's Studies4
or WGS 405 Gender, Power and Privilege
WGS 505Survey in Women's Studies (Leadership Part I)4
or WGS 796 Advanced Topics
Select one capstone course from the following (normally taken at the end of the course sequence):4
Independent Study
Advanced Topics
or other relevant approved capstone dealing with social justice leadership issues
Select two electives in Social Justice and/or Leadership (see list below)8
Total Credits20

Approved Electives

Courses in the Women's and Gender Studies Department
WGS 444ARace Matters4
WGS 505Survey in Women's Studies (Leadership in the Real World)4
WGS 510Framing Feminism: Gender Politics in Film4
WGS 632Feminist Thought4
WGS 795Independent Study1-4
WGS 796Advanced Topics4
WGS 797Internship4
WGS 798WColloquium (such as Women in Prison)4
Courses in Other College of Liberal Arts Departments
ANTH 500Peoples and Cultures of the World (Sub-Saharan Africa)4
ANTH 625Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective4
ANTH 685Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Africa4
ANTH 750Islam and Gender: Gendered Lives of Muslims4
CMN 505Analysis of Popular Culture4
CMN 567Gender, Race, and Class in the Media4
EDUC 500Exploring Teaching4
ENGL 585Introduction to Women in Literature (Dreamgirls: Studies in Beautiful Blackness)4
ENGL 693Special Topics in Literature (Literary Responses to the Holocaust)4
ENGL 738Asian American Studies4
HIST 566Comparative Revolutions: How to Make a Revolution in the World before Marx4
HIST 665Themes in Women's History (Gender & Politics)4
HIST 690Seminar: Historical Expl (Gay & Lesbian History: From the Victorian Era to Stonewall)4
HIST 797Colloquium (Citizenship & Inequality in the Americas)4
PHIL 430Ethics and Society4
PHIL 436Political Philosophy4
PHIL 450Environmental Ethics4
PHIL 510Philosophy and Feminism4
POLT 548Drug Wars4
POLT 762International Political Economy4
Courses in the College of Health and Human Services
HDFS 746Human Sexuality4
NURS 450Making Babies: Technology, Nature, and Social Context4
OT 513Stressed Out: The Science and Nature of Human Stress4
SW 697Special Topics in Social Welfare (Exploring Social Justice & Cultural Competency)4
SW 715Affirming Practice with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ People4

The women's and gender studies core faculty will consider approving other courses that include more than 50% of content related to social justice leadership.

Once students have declared the minor, they are required to meet with the coordinator at least once per semester for regular review of progress towards the degree.

Transfer credits may be approved by the coordinator to count towards the minor. If the transfer credit is accepted by the university and fits within the scope of the minor, it will be considered.