Race and Ethnic Studies Minor


The race and ethnic studies (RES) minor examines how racial and ethnic categories are created and maintained — politically, socially and culturally. RES uses critical, interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to study race relations as they intersect with factors including gender and sexuality, class, religion and immigration status. The minor prepares students for life and work in a world increasingly characterized by difference derived from racial and ethnic identities.

Learning Outcomes

Facilitate understanding of how the social constructions of race affect the social fabric of our historical and contemporary world; enhance students' abilities to appreciate differences and to actively and critically engage in civic responsibilities, especially with respect to social justice; prepare students to negotiate an increasingly interconnected world and apply their education in a wide range of occupations; gain exposure to the theories and methods of ethnic studies; and compare representations of borderlands, hybridity, migration and diaspora from different cultures to comprehend how national boundaries, as well as local, national, and transnational cultures and politics, affect the constitution of racial and ethnic categories.

Classes for the RES minor are housed in a variety of departments in the College of Liberal Arts, offering students a truly interdisciplinary experience. Please contact the Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab for minor advising.

Academic policies related to Minors.

The race and ethnic studies minor consists of five courses (20 credits). To complete a minor, students are required to:

  1. Enroll in an introductory-level course. (These are listed on the minor website each semester.)
  2. Enroll in at least one course at the 600/700-level.
  3. Earn a C- or better in each course and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average in courses taken for the minor.
  4. Understand that no more than 8 credits used to satisfy the requirements for a major may be used for a minor.
  5. Courses taken pass/fail may not be used toward a minor.

A relevant internship may be substituted for one of the electives.

Approved Courses
ANTH 500Peoples and Cultures of the World (when focus is Latin America, SubSaharan Africa or Middle East/North Africa)4
ANTH 610Medical Anthropology: Illness and Healing4
ANTH 625Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective4
ANTH 697/ENGL 693Special Topics (American Roots Music)4
ANTH 750Islam and Gender: Gendered Lives of Muslims4
CMN 567Gender, Race, and Class in the Media4
ENGL 550Introduction to the Literature and Culture of Race4
ENGL 581Reading the Postcolonial Experience4
ENGL 585Introduction to Women in Literature4
ENGL 595Literary Topics (Intro/Caribbean Lit in English ONLINE)4
ENGL 606Languages of the World4
ENGL 714Critical Skills (topic: On Race)4
ENGL 778/WS 798Race and Gender in Film and Popular Culture4
HIST 505African American History4
HIST 532Modern Latin America4
HIST 588History of Modern Africa: 1870 to the Present4
HIST 632Latin American History: Topics4
POLT 546Wealth and Politics in Asia4
PSYC 571Pioneers of Psychology4
SPAN 526Introduction to Latin American Cultures4
SPAN 798Topics in Hispanic Linguistics and Cultural Studies (Language & Id in Spanish)4
SW 697Special Topics in Social Welfare (Exploring Social Justice)4
WGS 401Introduction to Women's Studies4
WGS 405Gender, Power and Privilege4
WGS 444ARace Matters4
WGS 505Survey in Women's Studies (Only topics: Leadership for Social Change, Queer Cinema, Queer Sustainability, Gobal Sex Industry, Race, Gender and Enviromental Jutsice, Feminist Perspectives on Media)4
WGS 632Feminist Thought4
WGS 798WColloquium4