Sport Management Minor

The Sport Management minor offers an opportunity for students outside of the major to strategically take classes in our SML curriculum, specifically designed to provide students with the basic knowledge of sport management. The minor consists of two required Sport Management courses and then a variety of options across our SML curriculum and within Paul College.

Admission into the minor is based on successful completion of SML 580 Sport Industry and a minimum GPA of 2.0. Please contact for additional information.  

Two Required Courses
SML 580Sport Industry 14
SML 564Introduction to Sport Marketing4
Select two courses from the following:
SML 630Sport Facility and Event Management4
SML 634Sport Sponsorship and Sales4
SML 738Sport Finance4
SML 740Athletic Administration4
SML 764Advanced Sport Marketing 24
Select one course from the following:
PAUL 450Personal Finance4
MGT 535Organizational Behavior4
or ADMN 575 Behavior in Organizations
MKTG 649Foundations of Personal Selling4
ECON 676Economics of Sports4

SML 580 Sport Industry should be the first class students take in this minor. Additionally, enrolling in this class is when a student fills out the intent to minor form.


If not taken as one of the two required courses.