Health Management and Policy Major (B.S.)

The Health Management and Policy (HMP) curriculum includes a variety of healthcare content areas, such as data, epidemiology, finance, management, marketing, policy, and public health courses. Students complete a core of introductory courses during their first and second years in the major. Junior and senior HMP major courses are designed in a two-year cohort model, (see course sequence), which includes a 400-hour summer internship.

Faculty play a large part in the student academic experience, by providing guidance on major and University required courses, as well as future academic and career plans. This bachelor of science degree prepares students to be healthcare leaders upon graduation, within such roles, (including, but not limited to), consultants, analysts, sales, practice managers, and researchers, Additionally, the HMP major positions students to pursue graduate degrees and careers within business, epidemiology, law, public health, nursing, and medical school.

It is important to note that internal or external transfer students may require an extra year due to the prescribed course sequence. 

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

  • HMP majors must obtain a minimum grade of C in all required courses and prerequisite courses.
  • Majors must maintain an overall grade-point average of 2.0 to remain in the major.
Required Courses
HMP 401United States Health Care Systems4
HMP 403Introduction to Public Health4
HMP 501Epidemiology and Community Medicine4
HMP 512Using Data to Improve Human Health4
Statistics Course 1
Select one course from the following:4
Statistics for Health and Human Service Professionals
Statistical Discovery for Everyone
Statistics in Psychology
Business Analytics and Statistics
Statistical Methods and Applications
HMP 621Pre-practicum Seminar2
HMP 622Field Practicum in Organizational and Project Analysis, and Management Skills Development3
HMP 624Post Practicum Seminar2
HMP 631Health Issues Seminar2
HMP 635Healthcare Marketing4
HMP 642Health Economics4
HMP 703Translation of Health Data4
HMP 711Introduction to Healthcare Operations Analytics4
HMP 712Healthcare Operations Management4
HMP 721Managing Health Care Organizations4
HMP 723Health Planning4
HMP 740Health Care Financial Management4
HMP 742Strategic Management for Health Care Organizations (HMP Track Course)4
HMP 744Law and Ethics in Healthcare4
HMP 746Health Policy4
Select one of the following tracks:8
Public Health Track:
Human Behavior and the Public Health
Environmental Health
Health Services Management Track:
Health Care Management II
Health Care Financial Management II
Honors in Major
Honors Project/Research Design 2
Honors Project/Research 3
Total Credits81

AP Statistics does not meet the statistics requirement.


HMP 798H is taken for two credits Fall of senior year, if selected for Honors in Major.


HMP 799H is taken for four credits Spring of senior year, if completing the Honors in Major thesis.

Field Practicum

HMP 622 Field Practicum in Organizational and Project Analysis, and Management Skills Development is the required 400 hour 10-week field practicum, (or administrative internship), which constitutes an essential part of the HMP academic program. The field practicum occurs during the summer between junior and senior year, typically beginning in late May and ending in late August, requiring a full-time commitment of the student. Students must be an HMP major, in good academic standing in the major, and must retain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher to be granted permission to enroll in the course.

This experience allows students to explore an area of special interest in depth that integrates class work with a supervised field experience. Given sufficient timing of student requests, efforts will be made to arrange practica at distant sites based on special needs. Field practicum sites are selected with student involvement. Typical sites are often concentrated in central and Northern New England, but the experience could also be elsewhere, including abroad.

Academic Requirements

HMP majors must obtain a minimum of a C in all HMP required courses and prerequisite courses. Majors must have an overall grade-point average of 2.00 to remain in the major. Students not continuing to make progress in the major, as evidenced by a low grades (below C), incomplete courses, and/or administrative failures resulting in a cumulative GPA lower than 2.0 may, upon determination by the Health Management and Policy faculty, be excluded from the major and participation in the Field Practicum. Students must complete  HMP 401HMP 403HMP 501HMP 512 , and Statistics with a C or better prior to Fall semester of junior year or they will be excluded from the major. An exclusion from the major may also be necessary to resolve questions concerning major departmental requirements or University academic standards.

The academic action of exclusion could be a temporary action. Consideration for a temporary action requires that a petition is completed by the student detailing the extenuating circumstances and providing supportive documentation to the Health Management and Policy Department for review by faculty with a determination of approval. Should a petition be granted approval to remain in the major due to extenuating circumstances, the student must demonstrate academic progress (C in HMP courses and 2.0 GPA) the following semester or they will be excluded from the major without the option to return. If the petition is not determined approved by the faculty, students will be required to change their major.

Internal Applications for HMP Major

Students interested in additional information or in applying for admission to the health management and policy major should attend an HMP information session, and/or contact the academic department coordinator. Efforts should be made to complete this process during the freshman year or early in the sophomore year to ensure sufficient time to complete the required courses, HMP 401 , HMP 403 , HMP 501 , HMP 512 , and Statistics prior to junior year. Failure to complete the five required courses prior to junior year will result in exclusion from the major. Admitted UNH students can apply to the major once the student meets the application requirements, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00; however all HMP required courses must be completed with a C or better to progress in the major.

Honors in Major

The department offers an honors-in-major program. Students must meet the department's requirement of having an overall 3.7 grade-point average at UNH and a 3.7 grade-point average for required HMP courses taken by the end of the spring semester sophomore year to be invited to Honors-in-Major. Honors-in-major students take a total of three honors designated major courses during the junior year and senior year, as well as completing an honors thesis project during the senior year, HMP 798H and HMP 799H . Students work on the honors thesis with a faculty member within the HMP department who has knowledge in the specific topic. Students should contact the academic department coordinator for further information.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
HMP 401 United States Health Care Systems 4
HHS 401 College of Health and Human Services Seminar 2
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
HMP 403 Introduction to Public Health 4
HHS 402 Foundations of Career and Professional Success 1-2
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Second Year
HMP 501 Epidemiology and Community Medicine 4
Statistics Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
HMP 512 Using Data to Improve Human Health 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
HMP 621 Pre-practicum Seminar 1
HMP 642 Health Economics 4
HMP 721 Managing Health Care Organizations 4
HMP 740 Health Care Financial Management 4
HMP 744 Law and Ethics in Healthcare 4
HMP 621 Pre-practicum Seminar 1
HMP 635 Healthcare Marketing 4
HMP 711 Introduction to Healthcare Operations Analytics 4
HMP 746 Health Policy 4
HMP 741
Health Care Financial Management II
or Human Behavior and the Public Health
HMP 622 Field Practicum in Organizational and Project Analysis, and Management Skills Development 3
Fourth Year
HMP 624 Post Practicum Seminar 2
HMP 703 Translation of Health Data 4
HMP 712 Healthcare Operations Management 4
HMP 722 Health Care Management II Or HMP 715 Environmental Health Spring 4
HMP 723 Health Planning 4
HMP 631 Health Issues Seminar 2
HMP 742 Strategic Management for Health Care Organizations 4
HMP 715 Environmental Health PH track or PH minor 4
Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
 Total Credits136-137

Program Learning Outcomes

  • The complexity of the health care delivery system, quality of care, and it relates to population health as well as the complexity of financing of the US healthcare delivery model.
  • Analyze complex management situations, data and apply (appropriate) health management concepts, theories and models to develop recommendations, working within a team environment.
  • Ability to describe and discuss the role of Human resource functions and the laws governing, the difference between management and leadership, organizational structures, mergers, acquisitions and affiliations and the role of governmental laws and regulations.
  • Identify and prioritize organizational needs and market imperatives in design and development of business plans for health Programs and services in a variety of management settings to compile, present and discuss data and its limitations related to specific managerial problems and ethics for organizational decision making based on regulations and principles that govern the domains and the role of management and leadership.
  • Use pf computer analysis tools for calculating, aggregating, presenting and discussing data and its analysis.
  • Understand the importance of a Mission and Vision statements and Identification and involvement of stakeholders, recognizing political and legal implications of actions and decisions.
  • Describe and generally assess key concepts and elements of health information systems selection and implementation of health care systems and regulatory requirements related to clinical and financial systems, and the role in HIT/HIM as it relates to cost, quality and access.
  • Application of economic theory and current mechanisms for advanced financial knowledge to decision making and strategic thinking skills, ability to identify and target market segment and defined appropriate intervals to measure. the time value of money, long-term debt, stocks and equity, and evaluation of capital projects.
  • Communicate information, ideas and information effectively in a written and oral format using appropriate professional conventions.