Analytics Minor

The demand for data-savvy individuals has never been higher, and the analytics minor gives you an introduction to the tools you’ll need for a career involving data science and analytics, focused on the application of data science in industry. In addition to courses in mathematics, computer science and analytics, you can study neural networks and big data. Combine this minor with a major in the sciences, computer science, business, marketing or social sciences to bring enhanced skills to your career or graduate studies.With the experience provided by this minor, you’ll gain a competitive advantage in this rapidly growing field. The objective of this minor is to provide a basic background in analytics for those interested in applications.

Students interested in the Analytics minor should contact for more information.

Academic policies related to Minors.

Credit toward the minor will only be given for courses passed with C- or better, and a 2.00 grade-point average must be maintained in courses for the minor.

  • Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used for a minor.
  • No more than 8 credits used to satisfy major requirements may be used for the minor.
  • No more than 2 courses or 8 credits may be from transfer coursework. Any transferred coursework must be approved by the minor coordinator.

For additional details on how to declare a minor, please visit

Some preparation in MATH 425 Calculus I and programming CS 415 Introduction to Computer Science I is required.

Required Courses
CS 417From Programs to Computer Science (Durham Students)4
or COMP 525 Data Structures Fundamentals
CS 457Introduction to Data Science and Analytics4
or DATA 557 Introduction to Data Science and Analytics
MATH 539Introduction to Statistical Analysis4
MATH 545Introduction to Linear Algebra4
Select one course from the following:4
Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics I
Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics II
Neural Networks
Total Credits20