Business Administration Minor

The Minor in Business Administration offers students majoring in other disciplines the opportunity to develop a well-rounded business background. Students complete coursework in core business areas such as accounting, marketing, management, as well as economics. The minor enables students to enter their selected industries with skills and experience that distinguish them as professionals.

  • The minor consists of completing five courses (20 credits) with a grade of C- or better and a 2.0 grade-point average.
  • The following courses only count toward minor requirements and do not carry credit toward Paul College major requirements: ACC 501, MKTG 530, and MGT 535
  • Academic policies related to minors.
Required Courses
ECON 402Principles of Economics (Micro)4
ACC 501Survey of Accounting4
or ADMN 502 Financial Accounting
MKTG 530Survey of Marketing4
MGT 535Organizational Behavior4
Select one course from the folllowing:4
Business Analytics and Statistics
Managerial Accounting
Topics in Entrepreneurship/Decision Sciences
Principles of Economics (Macro)
Economic History of the United States
Topics in Economics
Topics in Finance I
Topics in Management
Human Resource Management
Talent Acquisition
Strategic Negotiation and Conflict Management
Topics in Marketing
Promotion and Advertising
Foundations of Personal Selling
Personal Finance
*Other courses may be approved by petition
Total Credits20