Student Organizations

I. Policy Statement 

The University of New Hampshire recognizes that organized student groups are a valuable part of the student educational environment. Student organizations further the University’s educational mission. They are responsible for making positive contributions to the primary educational mission of the University and are expected to encourage intellectual and social development of members. In addition, these groups are expected to complement the University’s mission and to comply with campus policies, rules, and regulations, as well as federal, state, and local laws. Recognition shall not be construed as agreement, support or approval by the University, but only as recognition of the rights of the organization to exist at the University, subject to established conditions. 

II. Scope and Application 

This policy applies to student organizations who have obtained official university-recognition at the University of New Hampshire and its component campuses. Any student group that has not met the requirements for registration or received official recognition is not afforded the benefits of privileges or otherwise covered by this policy. The University of New Hampshire does not exercise any control, supervision, or responsibility for any non-registered organization’s activities.  

The University acknowledges the right and privilege of individual students and groups of students to assemble peacefully on campus for any lawful purpose. The University may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on the exercise of the right of peaceful assembly to ensure that the essential operation of the University or the rights and/or welfare of other members of the university community are not impaired, diminished or threatened as described in the Freedom of Expression Policy.  

III. Terms and Definitions  

Fraternities and Sororities – Organizations whose mission, principles, and values are primarily social in nature and is chartered, or in the process of being chartered, by a national organization and in good standing with that organization. All members of the fraternity or sorority must be undergraduate, degree-seeking students enrolled at the University of New Hampshire. A fraternity or sorority must be a member of the appropriate governing council at UNH. Exceptions for charters with local organizations may be considered, but typically not granted. 

Recognized Student Organization (RSO) – An umbrella term defined as a group whose primary membership consists of students currently enrolled at the University of New Hampshire; directed by students; formed in order to contribute to students' personal and professional development; and which has complied with all registration requirements for the purpose of obtaining university-wide recognition and official identification as an affiliated group. 

Registration – The annual process in which student organizations register to achieve or renew university-wide recognition. Recognized student organizations and governments may establish additional requirements for office or membership so long as they are not unlawfully discriminatory, compliant with the law and not in conflict with the Code of Conduct or university policy. 

Sport Clubs – Organizations that exist to promote and develop interest in a particular sport or physical activity and may be instructional, recreational, or competitive in nature. Sport clubs are primarily comprised of students who direct, operate, and are responsible for the organization; faculty and staff are allowed to participate in organization activities at the discretion of the student members. Sport clubs may represent the University in intercollegiate competitions or conduct intra-club activities such as practice, instruction, social, and tournament play. Some competitive sport clubs have specific membership eligibility guidelines set by the respective sport governing body, which have specific standards for collegiate competition.  

University Recognizing Agent – Any formal university department or affiliated entity authorized to assist with the annual registration process and act as a liaison for compliance with appropriate university policies. 

IV. University Recognizing Agents and Classifications 

The Memorial Union and Student Activities is the official University Recognizing Agent on the Durham campus for Student Organizations or otherwise voluntary special interest groups who unite for educational, social, recreational, and service purposes. Student Organizations may include faculty, staff, and community members; however, they are primarily comprised of the undergraduate student body and for which control, operation, and responsibility of the organization reside with the students. 

 For the purposes of this policy, the following entities also serve as official recognizing agents: 

  • The Office of Off-Campus Engagement and Fraternity & Sorority Life is the official University Recognizing Agent for Fraternities and Sororities. 
  • Campus Recreation is the official University Recognizing Agent for Sport Clubs. 
  • The Office of Student Engagement is the official University Recognizing Agent for student organizations at the College of Professional Studies. 
  • The Student Bar Association is the official University Recognizing Agent for student organizations at the Franklin Pierce Law School. 

V. Review Process for Groups Seeking Recognition 

Recognition is determined by assessing the student organization's relationship to the university, the purpose and scope of its activities, the university population served, potential duplication of an existing RSO with a similar purpose and the perceived potential risk to participants and the university. Groups seeking recognition will be referred to the affiliate recognizing agent based on the appropriate criteria. As such, this process creates a mutually beneficial relationship between student organizations and the university.  

VI. Recognition Appeal Process 

If a student group has been denied recognition, the decision may be appealed to the University Recognizing Agent’s designee. 


Any group of students seeking recognition as a student organization must apply and receive approval through the respective recognizing agent based on criteria established by said recognizing agent. 

  • Groups that apply for recognition and receive approval will be granted recognition indefinitely provided the organization satisfies their requisite obligations and is in good standing. 
  • Prospective organizations may apply for recognition after University Day in the fall semester, through the week before spring break. 


Any group of 3 or more matriculating students within the UNH College of Professional Studies Manchester Campus is eligible to apply for recognition by the Office of Student Engagement1.  

  • Groups who apply for recognition and receive approval will be granted recognition indefinitely, provided they maintain all standards set forth in the Student Organization Policies and the Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities.  
  • Prospective student groups may apply for recognition at any time during the Academic Year.  
  • Representatives of all current groups seeking to be recognized for the next Academic Year must complete annual expectations for continued recognition. The re-recognition process takes place from the first week in April until the end of the Academic Year. Student groups that miss the first deadline will be eligible to apply for re-recognition during the first two weeks of the following Academic Year.  
  • The Office of Student Engagement has the authority to revoke the recognition of an active student group at any point during the Academic Year.  


Students enrolled at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law shall follow the processes and procedures for student organizations as outlined by the Student Bar Association. UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law students are subject to the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law Student Code of Conduct. 

VII. Rights and Privileges 

RSOs are entitled to the following rights and privileges subject to all other relevant policies of the University: 


  • Financial services support. 
  • Ability to fundraise, following university policy. 


  • Use of the University name, in accordance with established protocols. 
  • Student organization recruitment activities such as University Day (U-Day) on their respective campus. 
  • Organization management software for organizational promotion, recruitment, and administrative processes. 


  • Request to use approved campus facilities and services. 



  • Receive a designated amount of money per semester to help fund the needs of the organization. The designated amount is to be determined by the Office of Student Engagement at the beginning of each academic year.  
  • Ability to request additional funding from the Office of Student Engagement. 


  • Use of virtual advertising resources, such as Pandora Net2
  • Use of physical advertising resources, such as The Flush and posting on designated bulletin boards on university property, in accordance with university policy.  


  • Print materials for meetings and programs. 
  • Support in planning off-campus events. 
  • Utilization of Pandora Net for attendance tracking.  



  • Funding requests to the Student Activity Fee Committee. 


  • Advising and consulting support. 
  • Leadership trainings, conferences, and community engagement. 


  • Virtual advertising resources such as Catalyst and the University calendar. 
  • Physical advertising resources such as posting in university buildings, residence halls, and on designated bulletin boards on university property, in accordance with posting policies. 


  • Advising and consulting support. 


  • Booking support for travel by respective recognizing agent’s department in accordance with established protocols. 
  • University insurance coverage when applicable. 
  • Receive mail in the mail room. 


Students enrolled at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law shall follow the processes and procedures for student organizations as outlined by the Student Bar Association. UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law students are subject to the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law Student Code of Conduct. 

VIII. Universal RSO Obligations

All student organizations who have obtained university-wide recognition must comply with the rules, responsibilities, and obligations stated below. The University may take action and employ a range of measures for organizations who fail to abide by these responsibilities including and up to indefinite loss of recognition. 

Compliance with Law and University Policies 

  • RSOs must be established for the purposes of and consistent with the broad educational mission of the University.  
  • RSOs must adhere to local, state and federal law and are supportive of the regulations, guidelines and policies of UNH including the University’s prohibition on hazing.  
  • UNH is committed to ensuring equal employment, educational opportunities, and access to services, programs, and activities without regard to an individual's race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, gender, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, predisposing genetic characteristics, marital status, veteran status, military status, domestic violence victim status, or ex-offender status. No RSO shall be recognized if its constitution, rules, regulations, or practices violate the University’s Civil Rights and Discriminatory Harassment Policies. Student organizations that select their members or officers on the basis of commitment to a set of beliefs may limit membership, officer positions, or participation in the organization to students who affirm that they support the organization’s goals and agree with its beliefs, so long as no student is excluded from membership, officer positions, or participation on the basis of a protected characteristic.  
    • Exception: Title IX does not apply to the membership practices of social fraternities and sororities which are exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the active membership of which consists primarily of students in attendance at institutions of higher education (20 U.S.C. § 1681(a)(6)(A); 34 C.F.R. § 106.14). 
  • No RSO may adopt or maintain a bylaw or constitution that is inconsistent with, conflicts with, or appears to otherwise contradict the standards articulated in the Student Code of Conduct. 
  • Each organization is required to exercise responsible management and financial integrity. 
  • Achieve and maintain recognition by one primary approved University Recognizing Agent that is responsible for the actions of the organization. 
  • Appoint a University of New Hampshire employed staff or faculty advisor. 
  • Prohibited from signing commitments, contracts, or invoices on behalf of the University or the student organization. 


  • RSOs are prohibited from using personal or organization funds to purchase alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs for any organization formal and informal business meetings or sponsored activities.  
  • Prohibited from using university funds, membership dues, gift funds, student activity fees, or any monies collected or donated with the intent to support student organization business. 
  • RSOs recognized by the MUB and Campus Recreation may not promote, host or co-sponsor an event where alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs are given away, sold, or provided. 
  • RSOs are prohibited from hosting events in which promote the sale or gift of alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs. 
  • Fraternities and Sororities hosting gatherings where alcohol is present follow and adhere to the Social Events Policy.  


  • May not fundraise nor use University funds for the purpose of financial gain of individual members. 


  • Clearly indicate the organization as sponsor on all announcements, flyers, letters, posters, social media posts, etc., promoting or describing events, meetings, or programs. 


  • Hold membership of the organization accountable to the organization’s governing documents. 
  • Conduct fair elections and/or appointments of officers. 
  • Permit members to disassociate at any time. 
  • Update organization information in a timely manner in organizational software management system(s). 
  • Fraternities and Sororities must establish recruitment, intake and selection processes that are selective in nature with an initiation practice dictated by the national organization. 


  • Register any plans for travel with respective recognizing agent. RSO travel is defined as any off campus outing where members of the group are representing the University or could be perceived as affiliated with the University. 

College of Professional Studies 


  • Adhere to all posting policies of spaces within the University, including but not limited to bulletin boards, classrooms, and gathering spaces such as the Student Commons, Café, and Learning Commons.  


  • Must be established and directed by matriculating students on the UNH College of Professional Studies Campus3
  • Confer with Office of Student Engagement Staff when updating organization information including but not limited to the name of organization, constitution, and/or statement of purpose. 
  • Meet with the Coordinator of Student Involvement of the Office of Student Engagement (or designee) on a periodic basis if the organization is struggling or in danger of losing recognition status. 



  • Use an on-campus or University fund if the RSO will accept monies unless the organization is currently incorporated inter/nationally or with the State of New Hampshire. 
  • Sell tickets through Memorial Union & Student Activities ticketing services for all student organization-sponsored events that charge admission unless otherwise required by a national organization. 


  • Adhere to all posting policies by the town of Durham and spaces within the University, including but not limited to the Memorial Union Building, residence halls, and academic buildings. 
  • Gain permission from the respective recognizing agent’s Director when seeking to obtain an organizational website. 


  • Must be established and directed by matriculating students on the UNH-Durham campus. 
  • Confer with Memorial Union & Student Activities staff when updating organization information including but not limited to the name of organization, constitution, and/or statement of purpose. 


Students enrolled at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law shall follow the processes and procedures for student organizations as outlined by the Student Bar Association. UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law students are subject to the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law Student Code of Conduct. 

IX. Student Governance 

Although not RSOs, the following student governance groups, in conjunction with the respective recognizing agent, inform and support the function and operation of RSOs. The following governance organizations are university-wide elected student bodies that participate in the shared governance of the institution. They are official representatives of student opinion for the constituencies served by that group. 

  • Graduate Student Senate – Durham  
  • Student Government Association – College of Professional Studies 
  • Student Senate – Durham 
  • Student Bar Association – Franklin Pierce School of Law 

X. Addendums 

1Students attending the College of Professional Studies Online Campus may speak with the Coordinator of Student Involvement about applying for recognition or joining an on-campus organization.  

2Only students attending the College of Professional Studies Manchester Campus have access to the virtual advertising resource, Pandora Net.  

3Students attending the College of Professional Studies Online Campus may speak with the Coordinator of Student Involvement about establishing or directing an organization.