Library Policies

I. University Libraries

The University Library on the Durham campus consists of the main Dimond Library, which hosts a writing center and IT support; two science branch libraries: the Kingsbury Library and the Physics Library; and a storage building.

The UNH Manchester Library is located on the Manchester campus. The UNH Law Library is located in Concord.

Additional policies for each library may be found on their websites or by asking the staff at any Library location.

II. Library Hours

Hours for all libraries are posted on each library's website (Durham, Manchester, and Law)

III. General Policies 

Students are welcome in the libraries during all open hours. Some areas are available for collaborative work while other areas have been designated “quiet zones.”

All students wishing to borrow items from a library must show their UNH identification cards, although the Durham and Manchester campus libraries will also accept another valid photo ID. A borrower of any library material is held responsible for its return by the due date, or renewal if applicable. In Durham, non-reserve materials may be returned at the Dimond Library, any branch library, or the outdoor book drop at the Thompson Hall parking lot. Reserve materials must be returned to the library location from which they were borrowed.

IV. Borrowing

Most Durham and Manchester library materials may be borrowed for four weeks (Law material for two weeks) and are subject to immediate recall if needed for reserve or if urgently needed by another borrower. A “hold” may be placed on any book in regular circulation. Reserve books circulate for a more limited time and most Special Collections and reference materials do not circulate. Many periodicals, ebooks, and media may be accessed electronically through the UNH Durham library website. Other materials (DVDs, print journals, popular magazines, laptops, media equipment, etc.) may have different borrowing terms.

V. Fines 

Fines for some overdue materials are charged to ensure equal access to materials for all library users. More information on consequences for not paying fines can be found in the Failure to Pay University Accounts section of the Financial Responsibilities policy. The system of fines is established by the Dean or Director of each library. Books that are damaged or lost may be charged the cost of replacement plus a processing fee. When materials are returned within a year and undamaged, the replacement cost will be credited. Anyone who steals or willfully mutilates library materials or property will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.

VI. Use of Library Computing Technology

Use of the library’s technology resources is subject to the provisions described in the Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology Resources.