Terrorism Studies Minor


Terrorism is often a top priority of US national and homeland security agencies such as the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, and State Department. The terrorism studies minor explores the causes, dynamics, and prevention of violent extremism at home and abroad. Courses explore different types of violent extremism and the range of counterterrorism strategies used in the US and other countries from interdisciplinary perspectives. 

The terrorism studies minor requires students to complete five courses (18-20 credits). All five courses applied to the terrorism studies minor must be completed with a minimum grade of C- and an overall GPA of 2.0. Students must take at least three 500-level or above courses to complete the minor. Transfer students may transfer up to two courses, subject to the approval of the Homeland Security program coordinator. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used for the minor. No more than eight credits to satisfy major requirements may be used in the minor. Students in accelerated Global Conflict and Human Security master’s programs may use up to six credits of 800-level courses. 

Required courses
HLS 505Political Violence and Terrorism4
HLS 555Comparative Homeland Security Systems4
HLS 650Topics in National Security Intelligence4
Select two courses from the following:6-8
Bioterrorism, Biosecurity, and Biodefense
Emergent Topics in Homeland Security/Homeland Defense
United States in World Affairs
Total Credits18-20