Environmental Sciences Major: Soil and Watersheds Option (B.S.)


The College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA) and the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS) jointly offer a bachelor of science degree in environmental sciences. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the interaction of biological, chemical, and physical processes that shape the environment, and control the response of natural systems to human activities. Students graduating with a degree in environmental sciences will have an understanding of these interacting processes, experience working in interdisciplinary teams to apply this understanding, and the ability to communicate effectively with both scientific and lay audiences.  While in this program, students will acquire significant experience with field, laboratory and analytical methods appropriate for employment in professional environmental science positions as well as a basic understanding of environmental policy. The University of New Hampshire is a recognized leader in environmental sciences research, and the environmental sciences program capitalizes on faculty expertise in this area. Program faculty emphasize teaching and research in the areas of biogeochemical cycling, environmental chemistry, ecosystem science, global change, hydrology, plant ecology, soil science, and water resource management among many other fields. The Program has four options, and specific course requirements for the major vary by option. The ecosystems and soils and watersheds options are both managed by the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment in COLSA, and the geosystems and hydrology options are both managed by Earth Sciences in CEPS. 

In the soil and watersheds concentration, students focus on understanding soil health, watershed dynamics, and how these interact to influence ecosystem services like food production, water supply, and water quality. Students will also gain a basic understanding of environmental policy, field methods and geographic information systems (GIS), as well as learn how to communicate effectively with management, scientific and lay audiences. 

Employment opportunities include environmental consulting firms; educational facilities (e.g., science centers), environmental monitoring laboratories (e.g., water treatment plants, the Environmental Protection Agency), government agencies (e.g., the U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, Natural Resource Conservation Service), university and government research laboratories, and nongovernment environmental organizations. The environmental sciences program also constitutes an excellent preparation for graduate programs in several areas relating to the environment.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Scope of the Major (Introduction - 3 Courses)
NR 400Professional Perspectives in Natural Resources1
NR 403Introduction to Environmental Science4
NR 435Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness4
or NR 437 Principles of Sustainability
The Scientific Basis (Foundation - 7 Courses)
Biology I:
BIOL 412Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology4
Chemistry I:
CHEM 403General Chemistry I4
or CHEM 405 Chemical Principles for Engineers
or CHEM 411 Introductory Chemistry for Life Sciences
Chemistry II:
NR 561Chemistry of the Environment4
or CHEM 404 General Chemistry II
PHYS 401Introduction to Physics I4
or PHYS 407 General Physics I
Biology/Physics II:
BIOL 411Introductory Biology: Molecular and Cellular4
or PHYS 402 Introduction to Physics II
or PHYS 408 General Physics II
MATH 424BCalculus for Life Sciences4
or MATH 425 Calculus I
BIOL 528Applied Biostatistics I4
or NR 525 Statistical Methods and Applications
Earth and its Systems (Core - 6 Courses)
Earth Science:
ESCI 401Dynamic Earth4
or ESCI 402 Earth History
or ESCI 409 Geology and the Environment
Aquatic Science:
NR 504Freshwater Resources4
NR 501Studio Soils4
ESCI 514Introduction to Climate3-4
or GEOG 473 Elements of Weather
or GEOG 670 Climate and Society
BIOL 541WEcology4-5
or NR 660 Ecology and Biogeography of New Zealand
or NR 527 Forest Ecology
or MEFB 530 Evolution and Marine Diversity
or MEFB 674 Ecology and Marine Environment
Human Dimensions:
NR 602Natural Resources and Environmental Policy4
or NR 662 Environmental Policy, Planning and Sustainability in New Zealand
or NR 507 Introduction to our Energy System and Sustainable Energy
or NR 784 Sustainable Living - Global Perspectives
or MEFB 702 Sustainable Marine Fisheries
Environmental Toolkit (Methods - 2 Courses)
Select two courses from the following:7-8
Techniques in Environmental Sciences
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
GIS for Earth & Environmental Sciences
Remote Sensing of the Environment
Remote Sensing Earth & Environmental Sciences
Environmental Modeling
Quantitative Ecology
Soil and Watershed Systems (Advanced Topics – 5 courses)
Advanced Soils:
NR 761Environmental Soil Chemistry4
or NR 706 Soil Ecology
NR 703Watershed Water Quality Management4
NR 730Terrestrial Ecosystems4
or NR 751 Aquatic Ecosystems
or NR 661 Restoration Ecology and Ecosystem Management in New Zealand
or MEFB 508 Marine Ecosystem Research and Management
NR 744Biogeochemistry4
or ESCI 642 Biogeosciences in the Earth System
Advanced Soils and Watersheds:
NR 743Addressing Arctic Challenges 14
or NR 731 Agriculture and Environmental Change: Challenges and Solutions
or ESCI 654 Fate and Transport in the Environment
or ESCI 705 Principles of Hydrology
or ESCI 710 Groundwater Hydrology
or ESCI 747 Aqueous Geochemistry
or CEE 796 Special Topics
or CEE 754 Engineering Hydrology
Integration and Research (The Capstone Experience). 2
NR 663Applied Directed Research in New Zealand4
or NR 795 Investigations
or NR 799 Honors Senior Thesis
OR approved research experience, or approved internship. Every student must complete a capstone experience senior year, or during the summer before senior year,if at least 90 credit hours have been completed.
a. A Contract form provided by the Program must be completed and signed by the student, the advisor, the program coordinator, and the capstone mentor (faculty or off-campus) before the capstone experience,by the end of Junior Year.
b. A signed Capstone Experience Evaluation form must be handed in to your advisor by the end of Senior year in order to graduate. Preparation for Capstone: Please discuss with your faculty advisor regularly what kind of capstone experience you would like to pursue. If you remain uncertain during the junior year, the Earth Science department offers a Capstone Preparation course, ESCI 796 Topics in the spring, but this is not required.
Individualization Your Education (15-16 Credits)
Program Advisors will help students select additional courses from across the campus that relate to the student’s areas of intellectual interest, and assist with the completion of minors, dual majors, study abroad programs, research projects, internships, etc.15-16
Total Credits106-110

NR 706 Soil Ecology or NR 761 Environmental Soil Chemistry if not already taken.


Many students enroll in the EcoQuest program (a study abroad opportunity in New Zealand), which satisfies the policy requirement, and capstone requirement if taken senior year.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
NR 400 Professional Perspectives in Natural Resources 1
NR 403 Introduction to Environmental Science 4
NR 435 Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness 4
BIOL 412
Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology
or Introduction to Physics I
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing (or Discovery Course) 4
BIOL 411
Introductory Biology: Molecular and Cellular
or Introduction to Physics II
MATH 424B Calculus for Life Sciences 4
ESCI 401
Dynamic Earth
or Earth History
or Geology and the Environment
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing (or Discovery Course) 4
Second Year
CHEM 411 Introductory Chemistry for Life Sciences 4
ESCI 534 Techniques in Environmental Sciences 3
NR 501 Studio Soils 4
Discovery Course 4
NR 561 Chemistry of the Environment 4
BIOL 528 Applied Biostatistics I 4
NR 504 Freshwater Resources 4
Discovery or Elective Course 4
Third Year
PHYS 401
Introduction to Physics I
or Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology
NR 527
Forest Ecology
or Ecology
Human Dimension Course 4
Discovery or Elective Course 4
Toolkit II Course 4
Advanced Soils Course 4
Ecosystems Course 4
Discovery or Elective Course 4
Fourth Year
Watersheds Course 4
GEOG 473 Elements of Weather 4
Discovery or Elective Course 4
Capstone 4
Biogeochemistry Course 4
Advanced Soils and Watersheds Course 4
Elective Course 4
Capstone 4
 Total Credits128

Program Learning Outcomes

Key Learning Objectives:

  • The primary Learning Outcome for the Environmental Science Program will be that students will master the content offered in the courses specified in the curriculum as assessed by performance on exams, labs and written assignments. This will include an understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes central to the function of environmental systems, the mathematical concepts required to understand, explain and predict those processes, and the ability to determine the significance of results, both in terms of statistical probability and impact on the larger world.

The learning process leading to this mastery will require that students will have:

  • Knowledge of how physical, chemical, and biological factors interact with human activities to shape the environment;
  • Proficiency with environmental techniques including field, lab, GIS, or modeling;
  • The ability to solve environmental problems;
  • The ability to communicate orally or in writing about environmental dynamics.