Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology Major (B.S.)

The Biochemistry, Molecular & Cellular Biology (BMCB) major provides you with conceptual competence, analytical skills, and laboratory experiences to understand life at the molecular and cellular level. Your BMCB degree will prepare you for immediate employment as a research associate in industry, for entry into graduate or professional programs in medicine, dentistry or other allied health professions, and other career tracks.

The BMCB program offers advanced coursework and laboratories in diverse research areas of modern biology

  • Cancer biology
  • Cell biology
  • Cell culture & tissue engineering
  • Endocrinology
  • Molecular biology
  • Pharmacology
  • Physical biochemistry
  • Protein structure, function & proteomics

BMCB majors participate in experiential learning activities

  • Many courses have integrated laboratory experiences to foster inquiry-based learning and to train creative and critical thinkers
  • Independent research experiences are available in faculty research laboratories
  • Many courses provide exposure to cutting-edge techniques and instrumentation
  • Job preparation can be enhanced by internships with regional biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies
  • Summer undergraduate research fellowships at U.S. or international academic institutions combine travel with research opportunities outside UNH

BMCB graduates have been successful in many careers

  • Research associates and laboratory technicians
    • Biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies
    • Government agencies
    • Forensics laboratories
    • Academic research laboratories
    • Hospitals
  • Science journalists and technical writers
  • Healthcare workers
  • Pharmaceutical sales and marketing staff
  • Regulatory agency staff
  • Primary and secondary school educators (with additional coursework in education)

BMCB graduates are well prepared for post-baccalaureate education

  • Masters and doctoral programs in a wide variety of disciplines
  • Professional health programs
    • Medical
    • Dental
    • Pharmacy
    • Physician’s Assistant and other allied health programs

Note: The BMCB major is designed so you can complete all of the prerequisite courses needed to seek admission to graduate schools or health professional schools in four years.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Students in the Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology (BMCB) major take eight Foundation courses, four Bioscience Core courses, five BMCB Core courses, one Laboratory Techniques course, and three Major Elective courses. One capstone experience, supervised and approved within the major, is required of all seniors. In addition, all other University academic requirements must be completed, including those for the Discovery Program and the University Writing Requirement.

A grade of C- minus or better is required in all Foundation Core, Bioscience Core, BMCB Core, Laboratory Techniques, and Major Elective courses.

Foundation Core Courses
CHEM 403General Chemistry I 14
CHEM 404General Chemistry II4
CHEM 547
CHEM 549
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2
CHEM 548
CHEM 550
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2
MATH 424BCalculus for Life Sciences 3, 44
BIOL 528Applied Biostatistics I 44
PHYS 401Introduction to Physics I 54
PHYS 402Introduction to Physics II 54

Fulfills Physical Science Discovery requirement


CHEM 651/CHEM 653 & CHEM 652/CHEM 654 can be substituted for CHEM 547/CHEM 549 & CHEM 548/CHEM 550.


Fulfills Quantitative Reasoning Discovery requirement


 MATH 425 and MATH 426 can be substituted for MATH 424B and BIOL 528


 PHYS 407 and PHYS 408 can be substituted for PHYS 401 and PHYS 402

Bioscience Core Courses
BIOL 411Introductory Biology: Molecular and Cellular 64
BIOL 412Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology4
BMS 503
BMS 504
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
GEN 604Principles of Genetics4

BIOL 411 fulfills the Biological Science Discovery requirement, Discovery Laboratory requirement, and Discovery Inquiry requirement

BMCB Core Courses
MCBS 401Professional Perspectives in Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences1
BMCB 605Principles of Cell Biology4
BMCB 751Principles of Biochemistry I4
BMCB 752Principles of Biochemistry II4
GEN 704Microbial Genetics and Genomics4-5
or GEN 771 Molecular Genetics
Laboratory Techniques Courses
Select one course from the following:
BMCB 753Cell Culture5
BMCB 754Molecular Biology Research Methods5
BMCB 755Protein Biochemistry Laboratory5
BMS 725Cell Phenotyping and Tissue Engineering Laboratory4
CHEM 741Chemical Biology Laboratory4
BMCB Major Electives
Select three courses from the following: (A total of three unique major electives are required.)
BMCB 750Physical Biochemistry3
BMCB 753Cell Culture 75
BMCB 754Molecular Biology Research Methods 75
BMCB 755Protein Biochemistry Laboratory 75
BMCB 760Pharmacology4
BMCB 763Biochemistry of Cancer4
BMCB 794Protein Structure and Function4
BMCB 795Investigations in Molecular and Cellular Biology (4-credit minimum) 81-4
BMCB 795WInvestigations in Molecular and Cellular Biology (4-credit minimum) 81-4
BMCB 799Senior Thesis (4-credit minimum) 81-4
BMCB 799HHonors Senior Thesis (4-credit minimum) 81-4
BMS 507
BMS 508
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BMS 650Molecular Diagnostics4
BMS 702Endocrinology4
BMS 704Pathologic Basis of Disease4
BMS 705
BMS 715
and Immunology Laboratory
BMS 706
BMS 708
and Virology Laboratory
BMS 718Mammalian Physiology4
BMS 725Cell Phenotyping and Tissue Engineering Laboratory 74
BMS 735Molecular and Cellular Parasitology4
BMS 740Human Microbiome4
BIOL 706Data Science with R for the Life Sciences4
CHBE 755Computational Molecular Bioengineering4
CHEM 740Chemical Biology3
CHEM 755Advanced Organic Chemistry3
GEN 704Microbial Genetics and Genomics 75
GEN 705Population Genetics 93
GEN 706Human Genetics4
GEN 711Genomics and Bioinformatics4
GEN 712Programming for Bioinformatics5
GEN 715Molecular Evolution4
GEN 717Molecular Microbiology5
GEN 721Comparative Genomics4
GEN 771Molecular Genetics 74
NUTR 750Nutritional Biochemistry4

 If course is used to fulfill BMCB Core or Laboratory Technique requirement, course cannot count as BMCB Major Elective.


Choose no more than ONE of the following courses to fulfill a major elective: BMCB 795, BMCB 795W, BMCB 799, BMCB 799H


Taking GEN 725 Population Genetics Lab is recommended, but not required.

Approved BMCB Capstone Courses

The capstone explores areas of interest based on the integration of prior learning. The capstone requirement may be satisfied through a course, created work or product, or some form of experiential learning (e.g., honors thesis, mentored research project, or other special student activity). Students may take more than one capstone course. If a second Lab Techniques course is taken, the second Lab Techniques course may count as a Capstone. Capstone completion is never displayed on Degree Works; your advisor will certify capstone completion at the time of graduation. Students must have 90 credits or more when completing their capstone requirement. See your advisor for questions about capstones. 

BMCB 750Physical Biochemistry3
BMCB 760Pharmacology4
BMCB 763Biochemistry of Cancer4
BMCB 794Protein Structure and Function4
BMCB 795Investigations in Molecular and Cellular Biology (4-credit minimum)1-4
BMCB 795WInvestigations in Molecular and Cellular Biology (4-credit minimum)1-4
BMCB 799Senior Thesis (4-credit minimum)1-4
BMCB 799HHonors Senior Thesis (4-credit minimum)1-4
BMS 702Endocrinology4
INCO 790Advanced Research Experience (4-credit minimum)1-4

For a Capstone experience not listed above, such as an internship, submit a Capstone Approval form prior to beginning the experience.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
MCBS 401 Professional Perspectives in Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences 1
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
CHEM 403 General Chemistry I 4
BIOL 411 Introductory Biology: Molecular and Cellular 4
Discovery Course 4
CHEM 404 General Chemistry II 4
BIOL 412 Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology 4
MATH 424B Calculus for Life Sciences 4
Discovery Course 4
Second Year
CHEM 547
CHEM 549
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
BMS 503
BMS 504
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
BIOL 528 Applied Biostatistics I 4
PHYS 401 Introduction to Physics I 4
CHEM 548
CHEM 550
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
GEN 604 Principles of Genetics 4
PHYS 402 Introduction to Physics II 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
BMCB 605 Principles of Cell Biology 4
BMCB 751 Principles of Biochemistry I 4
BMCB Core or Lab Techniques course 4-5
Discovery Course 4
BMCB 752 Principles of Biochemistry II 4
BMCB Core or Lab Techniques course 4-5
Discovery Course 4
Elective (any course) 4
Fourth Year
BMCB Major Elective (possible Capstone) 4
Discovery Course 4
BMCB Major Elective (any course) 4
Elective (any course) 4
Elective (any course) 4-5
BMCB Major Elective 4
Elective (any course) 4
 Total Credits128-131

Program Learning Outcomes

Core Knowledge in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology

  • Students will be able to explain the structure and function of macromolecules, including key functional groups, higher order structure and function of macromolecules, catalysis and enzyme kinetics.
  • Students will be able to explain matter and energy conversion, including thermodynamics, catalysis, biological energy, ATP and its function in metabolism.
  • Students will be able to explain cellular homeostasis, including major metabolic pathways for carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, key regulatory steps in these pathways and the organization of metabolic enzymes.
  • Students will be able to explain the flow of biological information, including detailed replication, transcription and translation processes in the context of homeostasis and development.

Quantitative Literacy, Inquiry & Analysis

  • Students will be able to apply the scientific method to examine experimental evidence and draw informed conclusions.
  • Students will be able to use graphs to represent scientific data.
  • Students will be able to apply statistical methods to interpret scientific data.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

  • Students will be able to use data to troubleshoot an unexpected outcome.
  • Students will be able to apply core knowledge to critically interpret scientific data.

Written Communication

  • Students will demonstrate written skills to communicate scientific knowledge and experimental data.

Oral Communication

  • Students will be able to demonstrate oral presentation skills to communicate scientific knowledge and experimental data.