Medical Sociology Cognate

The medical sociology cognate provides students with an understanding of how social structure shapes the etiology of health and illness as well as the availability, effectiveness and choices around health care on micro and macro levels. It develops students’ sociological imagination, fosters their application of a sociological perspective to the study of health, and allows them to gain the skills needed to be informed consumers of empirical health research. The focus on empirical literacy that is central to courses in sociology facilitates students’ ability to communicate and apply research findings in their respective professional fields.

Although the sociological perspective will benefit students from all backgrounds, a cognate in medical sociology may be especially relevant for students majoring in biomedical science, neuroscience and behavior, psychology, gerontology, health and physical education, nursing, health policy and administration, business, human development and others.

• Any three courses in medical/health focused sociology courses (12 credits) with a grade of C- or better
• Submission of a completed "Certification of Completion of Cognate" form
• Courses taken pass/fail may NOT be used for the cognate.
• Sociology majors may count cognate classes as major electives.

Required Courses
Select three courses from the following:12
Death and Dying in America
Sexual Behavior
Drugs and Society
Mental Health and Society
Medical Sociology
Sociology of Work and Well-Being
Special Topics (Topic: Work and Well-Being)
Sociology of Mental Health
Advanced Medical Sociology
Total Credits12