Russian Minor

The Russian program provides students the opportunity to minor in Russian. Students develop language proficiency, a solid knowledge of grammar and pronunciation, and knowledge of Russian culture. Students with a Russian minor will have a sufficient command of the language to enhance their chosen field of study, and will have countless career opportunities, such as the public, private and nonprofit sectors, including government, education, journalism, law, communications, and business.

Students in the Russian minor program at UNH are strongly encouraged to study on the UNH Study Abroad Program in Russia. Students can earn credits toward the Russian minor as well as complete two Discovery categories on the program. Foreign language skills and cultural competencies will open doors for students that would not have been opened without the minor in Russian. 

Academic policies related to Minors.

The minor in Russian consists of completing five courses (20 credits).

Required Courses
RUSS 503
RUSS 504
Intermediate Russian I
and Intermediate Russian II
Select at least one of the following: 4
Advanced Russian Conversation and Composition
Advanced Russian Conversation and Composition
Readings in Russian Literature
Select two elective RUSS courses above RUSS 4028
Total Credits20

Students wishing to minor are expected to meet with a faculty member from the Russian program to discuss their course of study.