Political Science Major (B.A.)


The study of government and politics, to which the courses and seminars of the Department of Political Science are devoted, includes the development of knowledge of political behavior by individuals and groups as well as knowledge about governments: their nature and functions, their problems and behavior, and their interactions—at the national and international levels as well as local, state, and regional levels.

Much of the learning offered by the Department of Political Science can also be regarded as essential for good citizenship, since political knowledge helps to explain the formal and informal institutions by which we are governed and the forces that lead to policy decisions, and also seeks to clarify the issues and principles that encourage people toward political involvement. In addition, such learning is especially valuable to students planning to enter local or national government or other public service related fields, including the Foreign Service, and it will be of great help to those who intend to study law and enter the legal profession. For teaching, particularly at the college level, and for many types of government service, graduate work may be indispensable. An undergraduate major in political science will provide a helpful foundation for any further study of politics and related fields in the social sciences and humanities. Such an emphasis will also be valuable for students seeking careers in journalism, international organizations, and the public affairs and administrative aspects of labor, financial, and business organizations.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program and Writing Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of the major program. Bachelor of Arts candidates must also satisfy the foreign language proficiency requirement.

Major Requirements

The major in political science consists of at least 10 courses (40 credits) and not more than 12 courses (48 credits).

The minimum grade requirement is C- per course. Any grade lower than a C- will not count toward the major. The required minimum overall GPA for major coursework is 2.0.

Political Science majors may use one major-required course to satisfy one Discovery category requirement.

Required Courses
POLT 401Politics and Society 14
POLT 402American Politics and Government 14
POLT 403United States in World Affairs 14
Select Six 500-level Courses
Select three (3) subfield courses, one course from each of three different subfields below.12
Select three (3) elective courses from any of the five subfields below. 212
Subfield: American Politics
American Public Policy
State and Local Government
American Presidency
American Congress
Parties, Interest Groups, and Voters
Politics of Crime and Justice
Supreme Court and the Constitution
Managing Bureaucracy in America
Women & Politics
Public Opinion in American Politics
Civil Rights and Liberties
Courts and Public Policy
Elections in the United States
Reforming American Government
Seminar in American Politics
Seminar in American Politics
Subfield: Political Thought
Dissent and the Political Community
American Political Thought
Politics and Literature
Selected Topics in Political Thought
Feminist Political Theory
Subfield: Comparative Politics
Of Dictators and Democrats
People and Politics in Asia
Wealth and Politics in Asia
Drug Wars
The Politics of Markets
Comparative Government and Society
Ethnicity ,Violence, Democracy
Contemporary European Politics
Revolution and Protest in Latin America
Politics in China
Comparative Politics of the Middle East
States and Societies in the Middle East
Beyond Bollywood: Politics of India & South Asia
Food and Wine Politics
Comparative Environmental Politics and Policy
Seminar in Comparative Politics
Subfield: International Politics
World Politics
Strategy and National Security Policy
International Security in Asia
International Security
The Rise of China
Selected Topics in International Politics
Theories of International Relations
International Political Economy
International Organization
Seminar in International Politics
Subfield: Methods
Smart Politics
Political Science Pro-Seminar
Discovery Program Capstone
Select one 700-level POLT course4
Total Credits40

Once students declare the major, POLT 401, POLT 402, POLT 403 must be completed within the first calendar year.
Note: POLT 440APOLT 444, POLT 444B do not count toward the major.


Students can take any POLT course at the intermediate level or higher (500-799) to count toward elective credit.

ECON 402 or ECON 605 and ECON 401 or ECON 611 may also be used to fulfill the fifth or sixth elective in this sequence. Additional economics courses will be considered by petition. Only one economics course can count toward this requirement. If students substitute an economics course for a POLT 500-level course, the economics course cannot be used to satisfy Discovery Program category requirements.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
POLT 401 Politics and Society 4
Language 401 4
Discovery Course 4
First Year Seminar 1
POLT 402 American Politics and Government 4
POLT 403 United States in World Affairs 4
Language 402 4
Discovery Course 4
Second Year
Subfield 1 4
Elective 1 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective 1 4
Subfield 2 4
Major Elective 1 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Third Year
Major Elective 2 4
Elective 1 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Subfield 3 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective 1 4
Elective 1 4
Fourth Year
Major Elective 3 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective 1 4
Elective 1 4
Major Capstone Course 4
Elective 1 4
Elective 1 4
Elective 1 4
 Total Credits129

Electives can be classes towards a minor, a second major, or other experiences to supplement your primary major and should be chosen in consultation with your advisor.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge Base: a proficient knowledge base of the five subfields of Political Science including American Government, Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Methods. Areas of strength include the study of public opinion, comparative politics and international relations, political economy, environmental politics, Latin American politics, Middle Eastern politics, and Asian politics. In this regard, the program fosters the development of a strong empirical foundation through multiple levels of courses.
  • Research Skills: A second goal is to advance the students’ abilities to understand and use basic political science research skills. These include computer literacy, knowledge of credible sources of information, basic statistical applications, and support for foreign language proficiency. We also strive to help students identify interesting and important research questions clearly and concisely, gather and assess various types of information, and come to well-reasoned conclusions.
  • Critical Thinking: The third objective involves enhancement of student cognitive abilities and critical thinking. We hone the ability to analyze, assess, and reconstruct findings in written, oral, and graphical form. We strive to promote students who are self-disciplined thinkers who understand the rigorous standards of research, are intelligent consumers of political information, and are able to understand and weigh multiple perspectives and interpretations.
  • Communication Skills: Another aim is to enhance the written and oral communication skills of our students. We support the goals of the writing intensive requirement and expose students to different genres and conventions in academic writing. Most 500 and 700-level courses emphasize cultivating strong writing and reading skills, while at the 700-level, student engagement in sustained discussion becomes the centerpiece of instruction in many seminars. Writing instruction includes emphasis not only on research papers but on short analytical essays, précis, and reviews that ask students to synthesize complex information, develop arguments, and delve more deeply into interpretation. In some courses, part of this work includes iterated practice of grammar and stylistic choices through revision and proposal assignments.
  • Professional Socialization and Support for Post-Graduate Training and Placement: The sixth aim of the program is to give students the requisite skills, preparation and knowledge base to become capable and responsible political actors in their chosen professional careers and future goals. We expect our students to be exposed to the ethics and organizational culture of political science specifically and the social sciences generally. We aim to provide a foundation of professionalism for students who enter both the private and public sectors upon graduation and for those who continue their studies beyond the B.A.
  • Inspire Curiosity and Enthusiasm for Inquiry: A final goal is to foster a spirit of inquiry. Faculty in the Department hope to stimulate curiosity about the political world and inspire life-long learners who are engaged in the political process at the local, national and global levels.