Political and Legal Philosophy Cognate


For students unable to major or minor in philosophy. This option provides official recognition for students who choose to emphasize the study of political and legal philosophy.

You do not need to declare a cognate; however, we recommend that you meet with a faculty member from the Philosophy Department to discuss your plan. At the beginning of your final semester of study, you should complete a certification of completion of cognate form, obtain the necessary signatures, and submit it to your Dean's Office.

Credit toward the cognate will only be given for courses passed with C- or better, and a 2.00 grade-point average must be maintained in courses for the cognate. Courses taken on the pass/fail basis may not be used for the cognate. 

Select three courses from the following:12
PHIL 405Critical Thinking4
PHIL 419Race, Gender and Social Justice4
PHIL 420Introduction to Philosophy of Law and Justice4
PHIL 424The Future of Humanity: Science, Technology, and Society4
PHIL 430Ethics and Society4
PHIL 431Business Ethics4
PHIL 436Political Philosophy4
PHIL 450Environmental Ethics4
PHIL 510Philosophy and Feminism4
PHIL 531Topics in Professional and Business Ethics4
PHIL 62020th Century European Philosophy4
PHIL 630Neuroscience and Philosophy4
PHIL 660Law, Medicine, and Ethics4
Approved PHIL seminars, including seminars in neuroscience, happiness, economic philosophy, race and others4