Philosophy of Business, Innovation, & Technology Cognate

Our internationally renowned philosophy professors emphasize discussion, debate, and writing in our courses. Wrestling with big questions prepares our students exceptionally well for highly successful careers in business and cutting-edge technology. As a lively and nurturing faculty personally invested in the success of our high achieving students, we take pride in watching our graduates go on to excel in top law schools, elite graduate programs, and prestigious positions from Wall Street to Silicon Valley.

For students unable to major or minor in Philosophy, students may select the three course cognate in Philosophy of Business, Innovation, and Technology. This cognate provides official recognition for those who choose to emphasize the study of the relationships between markets, technology, and human well-being. Students will choose courses in the philosophy of artificial intelligence, evolution, neuroscience, biotechnology, business ethics, economic policy, environmental ethics and other high impact subjects. 

Contact the Philosophy Department with questions at (603) 862-2060 or

The cognate consists of completing three (3) philosophy courses (12 credits).

Credit toward the cognate will only be given for courses completed with a minimum grade of C- or better, and a 2.00 grade-point average must be maintained in courses for the cognate. Courses taken on the pass/fail basis may not be used for the cognate.

Required Courses

Select three philosophy courses from the following:12
Philosophy and the Arts
The Future of Humanity: Science, Technology, and Society
Ethics and Society
Business Ethics
Human Nature and Evolution
Political Philosophy
A.I., Robots, and People
Environmental Ethics
Topics in Professional and Business Ethics
Neuroscience and Philosophy
Law, Medicine, and Ethics
an approved 700-level philosophy seminar

Students do not need to declare a cognate; however, we recommend that students meet with a faculty member from the Philosophy Department to discuss their plan. At the beginning of a student's final semester of study, the student should complete a Certification of Completion of Cognate form, obtain the necessary signatures, and submit it to their Dean's Office.