Forensics Minor

The forensics minor provides students with the opportunity to explore the different components of forensics through the interdisciplinary study of biology, psychology, sociology and justice studies. This well-rounded curriculum will enable students to build upon their interests in justice studies by specializing in an area of increasing importance. Once students have decided to pursue the minor, they are required to meet with the coordinator, academic counselor or appropriate affiliated faculty adviser at least once per semester for regular review and assessment of their program, learning outcomes and progress toward the degree.

The forensic minor requires five courses (20 credits) drawn from a list of approved courses. Students must receive a grade of a C- or better for a course to count toward the minor requirements. Justice Studies Dual Majors are required to meet with their Justice Studies advisor before registering for courses each semester to ensure they are on track to completing both the dual major and forensic minor. 

Academic policies related to Minors.

Required Courses
JUST 401Introduction to Justice Studies4
BIOL 420Introduction to Forensic Sciences4
Select three courses from the following:12
Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
Special Topics (Cold Cases)
Technology, Crime, and Society: A Forensic Exploration of High-Tech and Digital Crime
Forensic Psychology
Introductory Criminology
Introduction to Entomology
Total Credits20

Two courses can double count toward your justice studies dual major. These courses are most commonly JUST 401 Introduction to Justice Studies, and SOC 515 Introductory Criminology.

In order to officially declare the forensic minor, students will need to submit an intent to minor form to Deb Briand in the Justice Studies Office. This form can be found on our website.