Italian Studies Minor

The Italian studies minor provides students with the opportunity to explore the language, culture, and society of Italy through an interdisciplinary program. The minor is advantageous for applicants to graduate and professional schools in Italian, modern languages, linguistics, film, history, theater, philosophy and law. It is also a valuable asset for careers in economics, international affairs, international business, fashion, teaching, communications, translation, interpretation, government and Foreign Service.

The Italian studies minor is offered by the Department of Classics, Humanities and Italian Studies.

Academic policies related to minors.

The minor consists of five courses (20 credits)

All courses for either option listed below must be completed with a minimum grade of C.

Select one of the following options:20
Option 1: Demonstrate linguistic proficiency at the level of intermediate Italian (by completing ITAL 504 or equivalent). One of the remaining elective courses may be from a related field of study, subject to the approval of the Italian Studies advisor.
Option 2: Demonstrate linguistic proficiency at the level of elementary Italian (by completing ITAL 402 or equivalent). All additional courses must be ITAL course offerings..
Total Credits20

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Exhibit intercultural competency: Present a global perspective through the articulation of cultural \\ndifferences as well as shared values between cultures, societies, and nations.
  • Exhibit historical cultural competency: Identify the major movements in Italian cultural history and analyze critically Italian cultural production from the 13th century to the present through close readings and audio and visual texts (e.g., literature, cinema, music, visual arts, traditional and social media) to provide critical insight on a range of topics in Italian culture.
  • Exhibit contemporary cultural competency: Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary aspects of Italian culture and the ability to interact appropriately and effectively within diverse social and cultural contexts.
  • Exhibit linguistic competency at the elementary or intermediate level per standard guidelines established by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).