Interdisciplinary Humanities Major (B.A.)

The interdisciplinary humanities program examines the fundamental questions and issues of human civilization. Through studying diverse texts in the arts, music, literature, history, philosophy, and science, students seek answers to questions that thoughtful human beings must address in the course of their lives. Whether these questions come from Socrates (What is justice?), from Sir Thomas More (What is obligation to God?), from Raphael (What is beauty?), from Newton (What are the laws of nature?), or from Martin Luther King, Jr. (What is freedom?), they direct our attention to enduring human concerns and to texts that have suggested or illustrated the most profound and powerful answers. The humanities program is housed in the Department of Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

The major consists of a minimum of 40 credits of academic coursework, with a minimum grade of C-. 

The required minimum overall GPA in major coursework is 2.0.

Required Core Courses
One (1) 400-level HUMA course4
HUMA 500Critical Methods in the Humanities 14
Select three of the following team-taught HUMA topic series courses:12
-Ancient Humanities: Cultures and Empires (HUMA 510 A, B, C, D)
-Medieval Humanities: Rise of Global Empires (HUMA 511 A, B, C)
-Modern Humanities: Colonies, Constitutions, and Capital (HUMA 512 A, B, C)
-Global Humanities (HUMA 513 A, B, C, D)
-Space, Place & the Environment (HUMA 514 A, B, C, D)
Discovery Program Capstone
Select from the following: 2,34
Capstone Course
Research Seminar
and Research Seminar
Select four electives from COLA at the 500-level or above. At least one must be at the 600-level or above. 416
Total Credits40

Students will be made acquainted with the methods and technology required for research in humanities.


This seminar provides an opportunity for in-depth reading, viewing, and/or listening to texts and artifacts. The emphasis is on the multiple perspectives and methodologies that can be brought to bear upon these works from several humanistic disciplines.


Each student participates in the research tutorial (for a total of 6 credits) throughout the senior year. The tutorial provides a context within which students may discuss and receive direction in the course of completing a major research paper, the senior thesis. At the end of the second semester, students present their research to the faculty and their fellow students.


Selected with the advice and approval of each student's major advisor or the program coordinator. These offerings should bear some relation to the student's particular interests and senior research paper, as seems appropriate in each individual case.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.


Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
HUMA 401 Introduction to the Humanities 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Discovery Course 1 4
HUMA 510/511/512/513/514 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Elective/Major/Minor Course 1 4
Second Year
HUMA 500 Critical Methods in the Humanities 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
HUMA 510/511/512/513/514 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
Third Year
HUMA 510/511/512/513/514 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
500- or 600-level HUMA Elective 1 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Discovery Course 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
Fourth Year
500- or 600-level HUMA Elective 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
HUMA 798 Research Seminar (if pursuing thesis) 1
Capstone Course
or Research Seminar
500- or 600-level HUMA Elective 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
Elective/Minor Course 1 4
 Total Credits129

Course selected in consultation with advisor.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate the ability to find and evaluate primary and secondary source material necessary for humanistic research.
  • Demonstrate the ability to propose, conduct, and present interdisciplinary humanistic research in a written, oral, or other forms.
  • Compare and contrast the meanings of major texts and other significant cultural productions.
  • Identify and interpret creative and cultural forms from a given historical, cultural, or geographic context.