Social Studies of Science and Technology Minor

How are our lives being changed by technology? Why is science so influential in our society? Is modern science superior to traditional ways of knowing nature? Are science and technology doing more harm than good? The minor in social studies of science and technology enables students to seek answers to such questions through the perspectives of the humanities and social sciences. In this minor, students select courses from a range of disciplines, including anthropology, history, communication, sociology and philosophy, all of which shed light on the role of science and technology in modern society.

The minor presupposes no specialized scientific background and may be combined with any undergraduate major.

Students interested in taking the minor should contact the coordinator, Fredrik Meiton, Department of History, Horton Social Science Center.

To complete a minor in social studies of science and technology, students must complete five courses (20 credits) with a grade of C- or better, choosing no more than three courses from a single department.

Academic policies related to minors.

Required Courses
Select five courses from the following:20
Environmental Pollution and Protection: A Global Context
Energy and Environment
Seminar in Media Studies 1
Seminar in Media Theory (topic: Critical Approaches to New Media)
Literature and Medicine
There Is No Planet B
Climate and Society
Foreign Cultures (topic: Energy and Society: A Global History)
Explorations of Historical Perspectives (topic: History of Animals)
Science in the Modern World
Explorations 1
Explorations (topic: Oil and Water of the Middle East)
American Environmental History
History of American Thought 1
Topics in History of Science
Seminar: Historical Expl 1
The Future of Humanity: Science, Technology, and Society
Human Nature and Evolution
A.I., Robots, and People
Environmental Ethics
Neuroscience and Philosophy
Special Topics 1
Politics and Policy in a Warming World
Pioneers of Psychology
Special Topics 1
Environment and Society
Total Credits20

with approval of topic by the coordinator