Education (EDUC)

Undergraduate course work in Education engages students in a diverse and varied collection of educational experiences that prepare them for present and future challenges as well as for a wide range of employment opportunities in education and professional settings engaged in education policy, community-based education, and advocacy.

Accelerated Master's Program

UNH undergraduate students with a 3.2 or higher cumulative grade-point average (GPA) can apply for "early admission" to the Graduate School either one or two semesters prior to their final semester as an undergraduate. Admitted students may register for a maximum of 12 credits of dual-credit coursework (undergraduate & graduate level coursework) prior to completing their bachelor's degree.  To receive graduate credit, students must be admitted to the Graduate School before the start of the semester in which the course(s) will be taken and need to maintain a 3.2 GPA or higher until their undergraduate degree is awarded. Applying for early admission involves the regular Graduate School application at

Program Philosophy

The professional education unit at the University of New Hampshire seeks to prepare practitioners who will become leaders in their own practice settings and within their profession, applying knowledge to improve education for all students and enrich the lives of clients. Immersion in subject matter, research, theory and field-based experience provide a base for our graduates to make well-reasoned judgments in complex situations, render informed decisions, model exemplary practice, and take initiative for planned change.

Students learn to establish caring and thoughtful environments that celebrate individual differences and backgrounds while fostering cooperation and educational improvement. We stress reflective critical inquiry as a mode of study and community-building as a means to promote change. We value and support both our students' local practice and their broader leadership within the profession.

Education (EDUC)

EDUC 400 - Careers in Education: Exploring Professional Contexts

Credits: 1

Designed for students interested in learning about careers in education, this survey course explores professional opportunities in both formal and informal education settings within P-12 teaching and beyond (i.e., research, museum director, counseling, social work, educational software developer, etc.). Faculty from multiple disciplines and local professionals will present seminars and lead discussions about their role in addressing contemporary issues in education. Students will consider pathways that can be taken to pursue professional goals.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

EDUC 402 - Introduction to Educational Studies: Social Change and Education in Local and Global Contexts

Credits: 4

This course introduces students to Educational Studies: the ways that social, cultural, and political factors influence education outside of conventional school settings. We examine the relationship between education and social change in local and global contexts. Guiding questions include: How does schooling produce certain kinds of citizens? How do grassroots movements use education to resist colonial/colonizing agendas? What role does education play in promoting democracy, and social and economic equality?.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 500 - Exploring Teaching

Credits: 4

For students considering a teaching career. In-school experiences to develop introductory skills in teaching. On-site seminars for analysis and evaluation. Assessment and advising related to teaching as a career. Prerequisite for further work toward teacher licensure. Minimum of 7 hours a week, plus travel time, required.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 506 - Mentoring Readers and Writers in the Elementary Grades

Credits: 4

This course supports and extends the experiences of students who are simultaneously volunteering with the Seacoast Reads program. Students explore mentoring relationships, elementary students' engagement and motivation, effective practices for supporting literacy development, lesson planning, understanding student growth, and volunteers' own development as educators.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 520 - Education, Poverty, and Development

Credits: 4

An examination of the human and institutional relationships among education, poverty, and social development. This course will emphasize the ways in which access to universal, effective education is correlated with the incidence of childhood poverty and its reduction in the US and selected countries in the developing world. Interactive, discussion-based classes. Prior coursework in social or political sciences, economics, international affairs, health sciences, or related fields suggested. A minimum of 15 hours of fieldwork beyond classroom time is required. Students can fulfill this requirement through a variety of experiences on and off campus.

Attributes: Social Science (Discovery)

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 525 - Teaching Race

Credits: 4

This course examines the idea of race from the perspective of science, history, and lived experience to help the student properly evaluate inequalities of treatment (on the basis of race or any other marker) in various sectors of life in the United States. The course aims at helping the student a) perceive what is taught about race and what is communicated in our schools and colleges about the meaning of racial ascription, of color, and whiteness and b) to figure out how the power of educational institutions can best be used to promote equality and racial justice in society.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 550 - Language and Linguistic Diversity in Schools

Credits: 4

The course offers a broad examination of language and linguistic diversity and identities, drawing from education, sociolinguistics, anthropology, child development, and related fields. Content includes a critical examination of the evolution of the laws and policies affecting linguistic minorities in the U.S. and how they inform the educational rights of emerging and developing bilingual learners. A minimum of 20hrs of fieldwork beyond classroom time is required. Students have the opportunity to identify age group preference for field placement.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 556 - Peer to Peer Mentoring for Students with Disabilities

Credits: 2

This in person course is open to all undergraduates pursuing any major who have an interest in learning more and experiencing the importance of mentoring and diversity expansion at UNH. The primary goal is to introduce UNH undergraduates with and without intellectual disabilities to a mentoring experience. UNH students will develop a beginning understanding of the importance of expanding the diversity of the UNH campus to include students with disabilities in authentic campus life experiences including taking courses, extra-curricular activities, residential life, and on campus employment. Each mentor/mentee relationship will be individualized based on the needs of the students enrolled in the course and mentoring relationships will be matched based on the completion of individualized student directed personalized future planning.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 605 - Educational Perspectives in Critical Times

Credits: 4

In this course students inquire, reflect on and teach ethical dilemmas in the practice of education. Students will establish a foundation of knowledge on which to build philosophies of education in preparation for a career in which they face policies influenced by political agendas, fads, and economic interests. Through readings, discussions and field experiences, students will become more practiced and comfortable in having difficult discussions related to pressing issues of education and equity.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 610 - Clinical Experience in Educational Studies

Credits: 1-4

Work with an agency, institution, or organization to gain technical and/or professional competence not otherwise available. Student plans experience with departmental advisor. Credit approval subject to recommendation of faculty members and performance of student.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

EDUC 650 - Introduction to Disability in Inclusive Schools and Communities

Credits: 4

In this foundational course, students will be introduced to evidenced based practices in equity-based inclusive education leading to improved academic, social, communication, and behavioral outcomes for all students. Through a variety of films, readings, podcasts, interviews, and fieldwork assignments, students will explore education through the lens of learners with disabilities, families, and educators perspectives. Students in this course represent a broad array of disciplines including special education, social work, communication disorders, family studies, occupational therapy, early childhood, and more.

Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken EDC 716.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 656 - Advocating for Diverse and Inclusive Family-School-Community Partnerships

Credits: 4

The course is to examine the socio-cultural circumstances surrounding racially, culturally and linguistically diverse (RCLD) families raising children with disabilities, address the implications of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for families and professionals, discuss issues regarding families' experience during the special education process, assess family strengths and coping styles, and develop knowledge and skills to advocate for diverse and inclusive family-school-community partnerships.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 694 - Courses in Supervised Teaching

Credits: 8

Supervised Teaching of Music. Supervised Teaching of Adult and Occupational Education. Supervised Teaching of Mathematics.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 694A - Supervised Teaching/Music

Credits: 8

Supervised Teaching of Music.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 694C - Supervised Teaching/Mathematics

Credits: 8

Supervised Teaching of Mathematics.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

EDUC 694D - Supervised Teaching/Kinesiology

Credits: 4

Supervised Teaching of Kinesiology.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 701 - Human Development & Learning: Cultural Perspectives

Credits: 4

Learning in formal and informal contexts and cultural aspects of learning and development with an emphasis on childhood and adolescence. Theories of learning including behaviorism, constructivism, sociocultural, and design perspectives. Topics include research and varied cultural perspectives on intelligence, motivation, identity and the self, concept learning and knowledge, noncognitive aspects of learning, social and emotional learning, deficit thinking and social justice perspectives, design-based perspectives on educational innovation, and assessment. Junior and Senior status.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 703C - Classroom Management: Creating Positive Learning Environments

Credits: 4

This course is designed to help prospective and current teachers create and maintain caring, respectful classroom communities in which learners feel safe, valued, cared for, valued, and empowered. The course includes a strong emphasis on developing knowledge about the culture and backgrounds of children and families in order to establish positive interactions within the classroom community. The course addresses the challenges and opportunities in creating community in the increasingly diverse student populations in US schools. We will consider what it means to be culturally responsive in order to establish a classroom in which all students can succeed academically and socially.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 703D - Social Studies Methods for Middle and High School Teachers

Credits: 4

The social studies theory and methods course begins with an overview of the varied and, at times, competing goals and visions of the profession. Students examine these goals and their underlying rationales, and then develop their own philosophy of social studies teaching and learning. Students also examine state and national scope and sequence frameworks for the social studies, as well as the language arts Common Core standards. A variety of classroom strategies and methods are explored during the remainder of the course, including unit design, leading class discussions, how to approach controversial issues, teaching concepts and generalizations, increasing student engagement and empathy with the past, incorporating technology and the arts, management and discipline, and formats for assessment and grading.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 703F - Teaching Elementary School Science

Credits: 4

This course is designed to increase pre-service teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and enthusiasm with respect to teaching science at the elementary level. Throughout this course, students will familiarize themselves with reform-based approaches to elementary science instruction through inquiry, readings, and class discussions. Science will be explored not only as an important element of elementary education, but also as a means by which to support a diverse class of elementary students in literacy and mathematics learning.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 703M - Teaching Elementary Social Studies

Credits: 4

Social Studies Methods explores practical teaching models, techniques of implementation, and relationships to curricula in elementary classroom instruction. The New Hampshire Social Studies Frameworks and Common Core Curriculum Standards for instruction are identified and implemented in creating lesson plans for a mini unit.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 706 - Teaching & Learning Literacy in the Elementary Classroom

Credits: 4

Methods in reading and writing instruction, including current theories, practices and materials for teaching, learning and assessment. Course includes a weekly practicum in an elementary classroom and satisfies reading/language arts requirement for prospective elementary teachers in the elementary or P-3 certification programs.

Mutual Exclusion: No credit for students who have taken EDC 709.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 707 - Teaching Reading through the Content Areas

Credits: 2

Approaches and methods for teaching reading through content materials; coursework includes practical applications through development of instructional strategies and materials. Required for candidates seeking certification in art, biology, chemistry, earth science, general science, physical science, physics, or social science.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 710 - Navigating Difficult Dialogue

Credits: 4

This course is designed to support navigating the inevitable 'difficult dialogues' we encounter in schools (and life). This course emphasizes practicing basic counseling skills and deeper listening skills to facilitate effective dialogue and outcomes in a variety of settings. Teachers and administration in schools, managers in the workplace, business leaders in organizations, leaders in communities, and other educators in various fields will find this course useful in their professional work with individuals and groups.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 712 - Teaching Multilingual Learners

Credits: 4

This course is for people interested in teaching in schools and/or community agencies serving multilingual populations. Topics include: theories of first and second language acquisition, translanguaging, language policies and laws, strategies for teaching academic content to emerging bilinguals in mainstream classroom, creating classroom/school cultures that invite all students into learning, and the role of advocacy and professional collaboration in linguistically diverse public schools. In addition to designing and exploring a variety of teaching activities and techniques, students conduct a rich collection of field assignments including interviewing bi-/multilingual adults; visiting community agencies; and collaboratively designing community engagement activities.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 718 - Critical Social Justice in and Beyond Education

Credits: 4

Students will become familiar with key concepts and principles of critical theory, critical pedagogy, and social justice education so that they may use this body of work to inform their teaching, leadership, and scholarship. We will examine the role of a) schools in providing equity of educational access and outcomes, b) teacher agency to change unjust conditions, and c) micro experiences within schools and the macro layer of context (i.e., history, politics, economics, culture).

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 720 - Educational Technology

Credits: 4

Educators with any experience level will develop the skills and mindset to find and use technology tools that can enhance student learning. Assignments and online discussions focus on foundational educational technology topics, including ethical and social justice considerations, best practices, and national technology standards. Assignments are completed using each week's tech tool category, such as presentations, image/video editing, and website creation. Participants will curate educational technology tools that fit their preferences and needs. This class will include the focus on facilitating remote learning.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 733 - Teaching Writing in the Elementary Grades

Credits: 4

An exploration of writing and writing instruction across a range of expressive forms, including digital technologies, social media, and video. Special emphasis on engagement with and preparation to teach multimodal literacies in elementary classrooms. Includes a focus on language diversity, the relationship between reading, writing, and literacy development, student-centered assessments, and integrating the arts into the reading and writing workshop.

Attributes: Writing Intensive Course

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 734 - Critical Perspectives on Children's Literature

Credits: 4

Interpretive and critical study of literature and nonfiction texts written for elementary and middle school readers. Applications of children's literature in educational settings.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 739 - Assessment and Individualized Educational Planning in Special and Inclusive Education

Credits: 4

This course is intended to develop beginning inclusive and special educators' abilities in (a) assessing learners and learning environments, (b) designing, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of instruction through the use of individualized educational plans, and (c) implementing high-leverage practices in the areas of collaboration, assessment, and social/emotional/behavioral supports. Provides a focus on federal and state legal and procedural mandates.

Prerequisite(s): EDUC 650 with a minimum grade of D- and EDUC 751 with a minimum grade of D-.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 740 - Advanced Methods for Inclusive Curricular Design and Teaching: Building Access and Agency

Credits: 4

This course is designed to prepare educators to develop, implement, and assess the efficacy of evidence-based interventions for children and youth with intensive learning and behavioral needs. Topics addressed include the analysis of characteristics of learners and learning environments, and the subsequent design of individualized educational interventions in the areas of receptive and expressive language and literacy, mathematics, content-area academics and functional social/behavioral skills.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 751A - Inclusive Elementary Education: Literacies and Learning for Diverse Learners

Credits: 4

This course examines the role and responsibility of the elementary educator as an advocate for, and educator of, students with diverse learning needs. Methods and structure to enable educators to understand, engage, and respond to the challenges presented within an academically diverse classroom are addressed. Special focus is given to research and applications for facilitating emergent literacies and social, emotional and behavioral development.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 751B - Methods of Inclusive Secondary Education: Literacies, Learning, and Transitions

Credits: 4

This course examines the role and responsibility of the secondary educator as an advocate for, and educator of students with diverse learning needs. Methods and structures to enable educators to understand, engage, and respond to the challenges presented within an academically diverse classroom are addressed. Special focus is given to research and applications for developing literacy, knowledge and competence within the content areas, and for facilitating post secondary transitions.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

Special Fee: Yes

EDUC 760 - Introduction to Young Children with Special Needs

Credits: 4

Needs of children (birth to eight years) with developmental delays or who are at risk for disabilities. Strengths and special needs of such children; causes, identification, and treatment; current legislation; parent and family concerns; program models.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 761 - Designing Curriculum for Inclusive, Equitable Settings for Young Children (birth-8)

Credits: 4

This course focuses on designing curriculum for inclusive and equitable settings for young children, birth through age 8. Classroom applications for constructivist theory in the areas of curriculum planning and implementation; issues of equity and diversity in curriculum and assessment; overview of research and theory related to teaching and learning of specific content areas, with emphasis on integrated approach to early childhood curriculum. Stresses the reciprocal nature of student-teacher relationship in the inclusive and equitable settings.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 795 - Independent Study

Credits: 2 or 4

Juniors and seniors only, with approval by appropriate faculty member.

Repeat Rule: May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. May be repeated up to 2 times.

Grade Mode: Letter Grading

EDUC 798 - Internship and Seminar in Inclusive Teaching

Credits: 4

This course is the fall teaching internship for students enrolled in the BA in Education program. This internship (part of a two-course sequence) is the culminating clinical experience required for licensure. Students will complete internship hours with a Clinical Educator, supervised by a UNH instructor. Students will also attend a weekly seminar where course assignments will be completed.

Prerequisite(s): EDUC 706 with a minimum grade of D- or EDUC 806 with a minimum grade of B-.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading

EDUC 799 - Internship and Seminar in Inclusive Teaching

Credits: 8

This course is the spring teaching internship for students enrolled in the BA in Education program. This internship (part of a two-course sequence) is the culminating clinical experience required for licensure. Students will complete internship hours with a Clinical Educator, supervised by a UNH instructor. Students will also attend a weekly seminar where course assignments will be completed.

Prerequisite(s): EDUC 706 with a minimum grade of D- or EDUC 806 with a minimum grade of B-.

Grade Mode: Credit/Fail Grading