Classics Major: Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations Option (B.A.)

The Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations (AMC) option balances language study with the opportunity for students to select from a wide range of courses covering many aspects of the Greek and Roman worlds, as well as the neighboring peoples in Europe, North Africa and the Near East. The flexibility of this option makes it especially attractive for students who wish to double major in another subject. It is generally not suitable, however, for those who wish to pursue related graduate study or a career in teaching Latin. AMC majors can, however, supplement the requirements with additional coursework to keep these options open.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of each individual major program. Bachelor of arts candidates must also satisfy the foreign language proficiency requirement.

Classics majors may use two major-required courses to satisfy two Discovery category requirements.

The required minimum overall GPA in major coursework is 2.0.

To complete the AMC option of the classics major, a student must complete 10 courses (40 credits), distributed as follows:

Language Proficiency
Demonstrate proficiency by taking at least 8 credits in GREK or LATN at the 503 level or above8
Other Courses
Select at least 32 additional credits in CLAS, GREK, or LATN courses, including: 132
Introduction to Greek Civilization
Introduction to Roman Civilization
At least 8 credits from courses at the 600 level or above
Capstone Experience
Select an approved capstone experience of the following:
Capstone Course
Senior thesis
Honors thesis
At least 4 credits in 700-level LATN or GREK courses
Approved internship
Approved semester study abroad focused on the classical world
Total Credits40

No more than 8 credits may come from CLAS courses at the 400 level, with up to an additional 8 credits from LATN and GREK courses at the 400 level. There are also courses taught outside of the program that are approved substitutes for CLAS courses, and the department will accept up to 8 credits from such courses. An up-to-date list of these courses is available from departmental advisers and additional exceptions are allowed with the written approval of the adviser.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
LATN 401
Elementary Latin I
or Elementary Classical Greek I
CLAS 401 Classical Mythology 4
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
Elective 4
LATN 402
Elementary Latin II
or Elementary Classical Greek II
CLAS 404 Introduction to Roman Civilization 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective or Discovery Course 4
Second Year
LATN 503
Intermediate Latin I
or Intermediate Classical Greek I
CLAS 520A Classical Society, Politics and Ethics: Democracies and Republics 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective Course 4
LATN 504
Intermediate Latin II
or Intermediate Classical Greek II
CLAS Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective Course 4
Third Year
LATN 605
Readings in Latin Literature (or Elective Course)
or Advanced Study in Athenian Literature
CLAS 601 Classical Myth II: The Power and Persistence of Myth 4
Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
CLAS 677
History of Ancient Rome
or History of Ancient Rome
CLAS 701W Capstone Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Elective Course 4
Fourth Year
Major Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
Major Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
Elective Course 4
 Total Credits128

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Analyze and critique the cultural and historical importance of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
  • Recognize and assess the relative value, and to integrate, the distinct categories of evidence from antiquity: material and textual.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the steps of the intellectual process as developed in classical antiquity, including: identifying and defining essential questions; research in the best and fullest range of evidence; reasoned critique of the evidence; insightful synthesis of all relevant evidence; critical evaluation and integration of previous interpretations; creating an argument, including in essays or papers, which takes into account all the evidence
  • Translate key Latin and/or Greek texts at the intermediate level and demonstrate a knowledge of Latin or Greek vocabulary, morphology, and syntax at an intermediate level.
  • Show a familiarity with the essential literary sources from classical antiquity, and how they have been received in later periods.