Lifetime Activity Programming and Leadership Minor

The minor in Lifetime Activity Programming and Leadership is for students with an interest in working with youth in out-of-school activity settings such as before or after school programs, summer camps, outdoor/adventure settings, etc.  The majority of courses will engage students in purposeful movement and will be physically engaging. Each course will have a teaching component that prepares students to facilitate the various activities with young people in a wide-range of environments.   

Academic policies related to Minors.

Required Courses
HPE 655Middle School and Secondary Physical Education Pedagogy4
HPE 781Introduction to Adapted Physical Education4
HPE 601Lifetime Sports3
HPE 603Team Sports3
HPE 676Adventure Activities3
Select two courses from the following:4-6
Artificial Climbing Wall Management
Sea Kayaking
Adventure Programming: Backcountry Based Experience
Adventure Programming: Water Based Experiences
LAP 500 Level Course
Total Credits21-23