Ocean Engineering Minor


The ocean engineering minor allows undergraduate engineering students to acquire a nucleus of knowledge about engineering pertaining to the ocean and the coastal zone.

Students wishing to take the ocean engineering minor should indicate their interest to the ocean engineering minor advisor, Tom Lippmann, (603) 862-4450 or no later than the beginning of the junior year and file an intent to minor form. During the final semester, students must complete a completion of minor form for it to appear on their transcript.

Students must complete a minimum of five courses from the following list for the minor.

Select five of the following:
Introduction to Oceanography
Ocean Measurements Lab
Chemical Oceanography
Introductory Physical Oceanography
Geological Oceanography
Introduction to Ocean Engineering
Ocean Waves and Tides
Coastal Engineering and Processes
Underwater Acoustics
Positioning for Ocean Mapping
Special Topics
Introduction to Marine Pollution and Control
Undergraduate Ocean Research Project

Students typically take ESCI 501 Introduction to Oceanography, TECH 797 Undergraduate Ocean Research Project, and OE 490 Introduction to Ocean Engineering plus two additional engineering courses from the above list to complete the minor.