Information Technology Cognate

The Toolbox Cognate in Information Technology is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills required by essentially any job today.

With introductory level options, including courses from outside the department, the cognate is of value to students who wish to get a firm foundation in areas related to computing and information technology. The cognate also gives students considering study of Information Technology or Computer Science an opportunity to sample a broad range of courses in the field.

The Cognate will appear on each student’s transcript. 

Credit toward the cognate will only be given for courses passed with C- or better, and a 2.00 grade-point average must be maintained in courses for the cognate. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used for the cognate. 

Students need to complete a certification of completion of cognate form at the beginning of their final semester.  

The cognate consists of selecting three courses (12 credits total) from the below. No more than two courses may be taken from the same category. Note: some courses may have prerequisites.

Web Courses
IT 403Introduction to Internet Technologies4
IT 502Intermediate Web Design4
Computing/Programming Courses
CS 410CIntroduction to Scientific Programming/C4
or CS 410P Introduction to Scientific Programming/Python
MATH 445Mathematics and Applications with MATLAB4
IT 505Integrative Programming4
IT 520Foundations of Information Technology4
Statistics Courses
MATH 439Statistical Discovery for Everyone4
MATH 539Introduction to Statistical Analysis4