Grievance Procedures

UNH is committed to promptly and effectively resolving student grievances. Students are encouraged to proactively resolve disputes and openly discuss situations they perceive as unfair at the level they occur. Most concerns can be resolved by speaking directly with a specific department and/or individual before initiating a formal grievance process. 

I. Definition

Not every written inquiry or request from a student for university assistance or university action constitutes a grievance.  

For purposes of this policy, a grievance is a student request for relief or redress after they have experienced harm or deprivation that is filed after the student has exhausted the established procedures (if any) available for addressing the issue. 

II. Resolving a Conflict or Concern

The best venue to resolve a concern can vary based on the controlling facts and source of the issue. Students needing support or consultation in deciding how best to resolve their concern may contact the Dean of Students for assistance. 

Concerns about Employees 

Students should discuss concerns regarding employees (faculty and staff) with the employee directly. However, a student is never required to confront an employee whose behavior they believe to be threatening, intimidating, harassing, or otherwise abusive. For information regarding reporting discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and sexual misconduct, refer to the Other Grievances Process section below. 

In all other matters, if either (a) the student feels that direct discussion would be counterproductive or (b) after speaking with the employee, a student needs additional assistance, the student may speak with the following individuals: 

  • Concerns about faculty: The chairperson of the faculty member’s department 
  • Concerns about staff: The staff member’s supervisor or department head 

If the matter is not resolved at this level, the student may talk with the following individuals: 

  • Concerns about faculty: The associate dean of the student’s college or school 
  • Concerns about staff: The Vice President, Vice Provost, or other unit head who oversees the department in which the staff member works 

Concerns about Departments 

Students concerned about an academic or staff department may talk with the chair or director and/or supervisor of the department. If the matter is not resolved at this level, the student may talk with the Vice President, Vice Provost, or other unit head who oversees the department. 

III. Grievance Process Overview 

If the student cannot resolve their concern through the steps described above, they may file a grievance. When filing a grievance through this process, students should take the following steps: 

  1. Confirm that there is no existing process for resolving the issue, such as those outlined below in the Other Grievance Processes section, for resolving their issue. 
  2. If no such process exists, to resolve an issue, students should first speak directly with the UNH employee responsible for the service or concern as described above in the Resolving a Conflict or Concern section.  
  3. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of this process, they may file a grievance by completing the Student Grievance form. When completing the form, students will be asked to provide specific information about the concern, measures the student has already taken to address the concern, and what resolution the student is seeking. Students are responsible for providing details and evidence to contextualize and support their claims. 

The Dean of Students will receive all grievances and advance the issue to the appropriate department or designee of the students’ primary campus.  

This grievance process is not intended to overturn decisions made by employees or departments with the authority to make such decisions. The process allows the Dean of Students to work with students to explore and facilitate a potential resolution to their concerns if such a resolution is possible. 

If a student has already utilized another process described below in the Other Grievance Processes section, this grievance process is not an appeal to re-examine a decision made through one of those processes and will not overturn a prior decision. 

IV. Other Grievance Processes

There are many existing resolution processes at UNH. If a concern falls into one of the following categories, students should use the process outlined below to resolve it.