Rule XVIII: UNH Law JD Concentrations
(amended by faculty 9/3/2015; 5/2019; 9/2023)
To encourage and recognize intensive or specialized study in certain fields, the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law (UNH Law) awards JD concentrations to qualifying JD graduates who complete coursework in specified law concentrations.
A. Policies Applicable to all JD Concentrations
The School of Law will award JD concentrations to members of each JD graduating class as established in, and pursuant to the requirements of, this rule.
Each JD concentration program established in Part 2 of this rule shall have a JD Concentration Advisor who shall be a member of the faculty responsible for administering the concentration, advising students seeking the concentration, and approving waivers of the concentration's requirements.
The Registrar shall maintain an application form for the use of students wishing to receive a JD concentration. The form should include space for a student to list the qualifying courses the student has completed or expects to complete and grades the student has received. The form should also include space for the JD Concentration Advisor to approve waivers of concentration requirements and the Director of Legal Residencies or supervising Clinical Professor to approve credit toward those requirements.
A student who expects to qualify for, and wishes to receive, a JD concentration must submit a completed JD concentration application form to the Registrar by the third Friday of the student's final term of enrollment. The list of qualifying courses that is in effect when the student submits the application form shall govern, subject to waivers approved by the JD Concentration Advisor. A student who intends to pursue a JD concentration is also encouraged to discuss these plans with their advisor as early as possible.
For any JD concentration, with the approval of the Director of Legal Residencies or supervising Clinical Professor, up to 3 credits of the coursework requirements may be satisfied by a for-credit legal residency or law-school clinic that aids in the development of skills and experiences relevant to the topic of the concentration.
All JD concentrations require at least 15 credits of qualifying courses. For JD candidates, qualifying courses, other than legal residencies, may not be taken on an S/U basis, and all graded qualifying courses must be completed with grades of B minus or better.
B. JD Concentrations
Franklin Pierce Concentration in Intellectual Property Law
UNH Law awards the Franklin Pierce Concentration in Intellectual Property through the Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property.
JD Concentration Advisor. The JD Concentration Advisor for the Franklin Pierce Concentration in Intellectual Property Law shall be the Faculty Director of the Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property or another faculty member appointed by the Dean.
Academic Requirements. A student wishing to receive the Franklin Pierce Concentration in Intellectual Property must complete 15 credits of qualifying courses relating to intellectual-property law:Course List Code Title Credits Required Courses Select at least three courses from the following list: LIP 912 Copyright Law 3 LIP 944 Fundamentals of Intellectual Property 3 LIP 954 Patent Law 3 LIP 977 Trademarks and Deceptive Practices 3 Elective Courses LCL 908 Advanced Intellectual Property and Transaction Clinic 2 LIP 973 Advanced Patent Law Seminar 2 LIP 919 Advanced Patent Litigation 2 LIP 924 Cannabis & Intellectual Property 1-3 LIP 950 Copyright Licensing 2 LIP 917 2 LRS 902 Giles Sutherland Rich, Patent Law Competition 1-2 LIP 928 Intellectual Property Management 2 LCL 935 Intellectual Property and Transaction Class 2 LCL 936 Intellectual Property and Transaction Clinic 2 LIP 979 Intellectual Property Enforcement at the International Trade Commission 1 LIP 963 International Trademark Registration 2 LIP 987 Internet Law 2 LIP 997 Mining Patent Information in the Digital Age 2 LIP 961 Patent Practice and Procedure I 3 LIP 962 Patent Practice and Procedure II 3 LGP 939 Privacy Law 2 LRS 909 Saul Lefkowitz Trademarks Competition 1-2 LIP 951 Technology Licensing 2 LIP 918 Trade Secrets Law 2 LIP 923 Trademark Searching 1-3 LIP 922 Video Gaming & Intellectual Property 1 In addition to the courses listed above, the Concentration Advisor may approve additional elective courses and waivers of the required courses as appropriate. - JD Concentration in Sports Law
UNH Law awards the JD Concentration in Sports Law through the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute.
JD Concentration Advisor. The JD Concentration Advisor for the JD Concentration in Sports Law shall be the Director of the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute or another faculty member appointed by the Dean.
Academic Requirements. A student wishing to receive the JD Concentration in Sports Law must complete 15 credits of qualifying courses relating to sports and the law:
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
Select at least three courses from the following list: | ||
LIP 914 | Amateur Sports Law:Legal Issues in Youth, College and Rec Sport | 2 |
LIP 983 | Intellectual Property Issues in Sports and Entertainment Law | 2 |
LSW 905 | 3 | |
LIP 932 | 1-3 | |
LGP 956 | Pro Sports Law: Unique Relationship, Leagues, Team and Players | 2 |
LGP 958 | Sports Law | 2 |
Elective Courses | ||
LBS 904 | Antitrust Law | 3 |
LGP 919 | 3 | |
LIP 912 | Copyright Law | 3 |
LIP 950 | Copyright Licensing | 2 |
LPI 914 | Dispute Resolution | 2 or 3 |
LIP 980 | E-Commerce and The Law | 2 |
LGP 922 | Employment Law | 3 |
LGP 926 | Family Law | 3 |
LGP 929 | First Amendment Law | 3 |
LIP 944 | Fundamentals of Intellectual Property | 3 |
LGP 931 | Health Law | 2 |
LGP 933 | Immigration Law | 3 |
LBS 946 | In-House Counsel | 2 |
LIP 928 | Intellectual Property Management | 1-2 |
LIP 987 | Internet Law | 2 |
LBS 932 | Personal Income Taxation | 3 |
LIP 977 | Trademarks and Deceptive Practices | 3 |
LIP 922 | Video Gaming & Intellectual Property | 1 |
LBS 942 | Wills Trusts and Estates | 3 |
In addition to the courses listed above, the Concentration Advisor may approve additional elective courses and waivers of the required courses as appropriate. | ||
In addition to these academic requirements, the faculty of the Institute recommend participation in workshops and events that will be offered periodically by the Institute and a substantial writing project related to sports or entertainment law, either as part of a course or through an independent-study project, IDEA note, or Law Review note. |
- JD Concentration in Entertainment Law
UNH Law awards the JD Concentration in Entertainment Law through the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute.
JD Concentration Advisor. The JD Concentration Advisor for the JD Concentration in Entertainment Law shall be the Director of the Sport and Entertainment Law Institute or another faculty member appointed by the Dean.
Academic Requirements. A student wishing to receive the JD Concentration in Entertainment Law must complete 15 credits of qualifying courses relating to entertainment and the law:
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
LIP 915 | Entertainment Law | 2 |
LIP 983 | Intellectual Property Issues in Sports and Entertainment Law | 2 |
Elective Courses | ||
LBS 904 | Antitrust Law | 3 |
LGP 919 | 3 | |
LIP 912 | Copyright Law | 3 |
LIP 950 | Copyright Licensing | 2 |
LPI 914 | Dispute Resolution | 2 or 3 |
LIP 980 | E-Commerce and The Law | 2 |
LGP 922 | Employment Law | 3 |
LGP 929 | First Amendment Law | 3 |
LIP 944 | Fundamentals of Intellectual Property | 1-3 |
LGP 933 | Immigration Law | 3 |
LBS 946 | In-House Counsel | 2 |
LIP 928 | Intellectual Property Management | 2 |
LIP 987 | Internet Law | 2 |
LGP 939 | Privacy Law | 2 |
LIP 977 | Trademarks and Deceptive Practices | 3 |
LIP 922 | Video Gaming & Intellectual Property | 1 |
In addition to the courses listed above, the Concentration Advisor may approve additional elective courses and waivers of the required courses as appropriate. | ||
In addition to these academic requirements, the faculty of the Institute recommend participation in workshops and events that will be offered periodically by the Institute and a substantial writing project related to entertainment law, either as part of a course or through an independent-study project, IDEA note, or Law Review note. |
- JD Concentration in Health Law and Policy
UNH Law awards the JD Concentration in Health Law and Policy through the Health Law and Policy Program.
The JD Concentration in Health Law and Policy offers students the health-law essentials necessary to practice in the field of health law, and also allows students the ability to emerge with focused strengths in a health-law area of interest during the selection of optional course credits, legal residencies, capstones or other independent projects.
JD Concentration Advisor. The JD Concentration Advisor for the Concentration in Health Law and Policy shall be the UNH Director of Health Law and Policy Programs or another faculty member appointed by the Dean.
Academic Requirements. A student wishing to receive the JD Concentration in Health Law and Policy must complete 15 credits of qualifying courses relating to health law and policy:
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
LGP 971 | BioInnovation Research Collaboration and the Law | 2-3 |
LGP 904 | Current Issues in Health Law and Policy | 2 |
LGP 931 | Health Law | 2-3 |
LGP 930 | Health Law and Industry Regulation | 3 |
Elective Courses | ||
LBS 904 | Antitrust Law | 3 |
LBS 907 | Business Associations I | 3 |
LGP 919 | 3 | |
LGP 964 | Drug Law | 3 |
LGP 922 | Employment Law | 3 |
LBS 946 | In-House Counsel | 2 |
LGP 933 | Immigration Law | 3 |
LGP 963 | Law and Mental Health | 2 |
LIP 954 | Patent Law | 3 |
LBS 932 | Personal Income Taxation | 3 |
LGP 939 | Privacy Law | 2 |
LGP 906 | Statutory Interpretation | 2 |
LIP 977 | Trademarks and Deceptive Practices | 3 |
LIP 905 | 1 | |
In addition to the courses listed above, the Concentration Advisor may approve additional elective courses and waivers of the required courses as appropriate. |
- JD Concentration in Criminal Law
UNH Law awards the JD Concentration in Criminal Law through the Criminal Law Program.
The JD Concentration in Criminal Law coursework sufficient to achieve competency in the field of criminal law for students interested in working as a criminal prosecutor, public defender, or criminal defense attorney in private practice. The concentration helps demonstrate that a student is ready to practice criminal law and develop the potential for excellence as a lawyer in the criminal legal system.
JD Concentration Advisor. The JD Concentration Advisor for the Concentration in Criminal Law shall be faculty member appointed by the Dean.
Academic Requirements. A student wishing to receive the JD Concentration in Criminal Law must complete 15 credits of qualifying courses relating criminal law:
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
LCR 906 | Criminal Procedure: The Law of Criminal Investigation | 3 |
LCR 907 | Criminal Procedure: The Law of Criminal Adjudication | 3 |
LGP 924 | Evidence | 3 |
LSK 928 | Trial Advocacy | 3 |
Elective Courses | ||
LSK 903 | Advanced Trial Advocacy | 3 |
LCL 924 | Advanced Criminal Practice Clinic | 3-6 |
LSK 943 | Appellate Advocacy | 2 |
LGP 989 | Civil Rights Litigation | 2 |
LGP 925 | Expert Witness and Scientific Evidence | 3 |
LGP 926 | Family Law | 3 |
LGP 933 | Immigration Law | 3 |
LGP 963 | Law and Mental Health | 2 |
In addition to the courses listed above, the Concentration Advisor may approve additional elective courses and waivers of the required courses as appropriate. | ||
As part of the graduation requirement to take at least 6 experiential-course credits that applies to all students, a candidate for the criminal law concentration must choose either to take the criminal practice clinic or a legal residency with a prosecutor’s office, a public defender agency or a private criminal defense firm practicing primarily criminal defense work. This is not an additional credit requirement. It is only a requirement to fulfill the existing 6 experiential-course credit requirement in a particular way. |
- JD Concentration in Transactional Business Law
UNH Law awards the JD Concentration in Transactional Business Law through the Business Law Program.
JD Concentration Advisor. The JD Concentration Advisor for the Concentration in Transactional Business Law shall be a faculty member appointed by the Dean.
Academic Requirements. A student wishing to receive the JD Concentration in Transactional Business Law must complete 15 credits of qualifying courses relating to business law:
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
LBS 907 | Business Associations I | 3 |
Core elective courses: Students must complete two or more core elective courses. | ||
LBS 904 | Antitrust Law | 3 |
LBS 906 | Bankruptcy | 2 |
LBS 912 | Transactional Legal Practice - Simulating the Startup | 2 or 3 |
LBS 932 | Personal Income Taxation | 3 |
LBS 934 | Real Estate Transactions | 2 |
LBS 943 | Securities Regulation: Public and Private Securities Markets | 3 |
Additional Elective Courses | ||
LBS 933 | Multistate Tax, Business Taxes, and the Constitution | 2 or 3 |
LBS 934 | Real Estate Transactions | 2 |
LBS 942 | Wills Trusts and Estates | 3 |
LBS 946 | In-House Counsel | 2 |
LGP 922 | Employment Law | 3 |
LGP 939 | Privacy Law | 2 |
LGP 972 | Valuation and the Law | 1-2 |
LIP 980 | E-Commerce and The Law | 2 |
One course from (a) LIP 944, Fundamentals of Intellectual Property; (b) LIP 912, Copyright Law; (c) LIP 954, Patent Law; or (d) LIP 977, Trademarks and Deceptive Practices | ||
In addition to the courses listed above, the Concentration Advisor may approve additional elective courses and waivers of the required courses as appropriate. |
- Hybrid JD Concentration in Health and Life Sciences
UNH Law recognizes the Hybrid JD Concentration in Health and Life Sciences through the Health Law and Policy Program. This concentration is only available to matriculated students in the Hybrid JD program.
JD Concentration Advisor: The Concentration Advisor for the Hybrid JD Concentration in Health and Life Sciences shall be a faculty member appointed by the Dean.
Academic Requirements: A student wishing to receive the Hybrid JD Concentration in Health and Life Sciences must complete 15 credits of courses of qualifying courses that are specifically focused on bio-innovation, health care, and developing technologies:
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
Administrative Process | 3 | |
Antitrust | 3 | |
The Fundamentals of Healthcare Drug and Device Law | 3 | |
Health Law and BioInnovation | 2 | |
Health Law Legal Research | 1 | |
Core Elective Courses: 1 | ||
Bio-tech Immersion Program – Boston | 2 | |
Current Issues in Life Sciences Law 2 | 2 | |
Additional Course Offerings | ||
Bioethics 2 | 2 | |
Business Associations | 3 | |
Health Law and Business (Healthcare Industry Regulation) 2 | 2-3 | |
Privacy Law | 2 | |
Legal Residency in Health Law 3 | 4-11 | |
Life Sciences Business and Entrepreneurship 2 | 2 | |
Technology Transfer | 3 | |
1. Students must complete at least one Core Elective Course. Students who elect not to complete both Core Elective Courses must complete at least one of courses from the Additional Course Offerings list. | ||
2. Courses are currently in development. An updated list of approved courses can be provided by the Registrar’s Office. | ||
3. Legal Residency cannot be at a student current place of employment. |