Homeland Security Minor


Today’s threat environment is complex and dynamic and includes threats from small- to large-scale attacks of violence or terrorism, to cybersecurity to catastrophic natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and earthquakes. Fully available to students on both campuses (Durham and Manchester), the Homeland Security (HLS) minor will give students an excellent glimpse at what it takes to keep the nation safe and resilient. 

The minor in Homeland Security (HLS) is designed to provide a professional experience to students not majoring in Homeland Security, but who are interested in aspects of the homeland security profession. Students will see how Homeland Security issues, challenges, and tools are related to their specific major and how Homeland Security can be used to embellish their careers.

The minor in homeland security requires five courses (20 credits). Students must earn grades of at least C- in each course and an overall GPA of 2.0 in minor courses. Transfer students may transfer up to two courses, subject to the approval of the HLS program coordinator. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used for the minor. Homeland Security majors cannot use the HLS minor as a breadth area.

Required courses
HLS 410Introduction to Homeland Security4
HLS 455Introduction to Cybersecurity4
or HLS 415 Fundamentals of Corporate Security
Select three of the following:12
Political Violence and Terrorism
Fundamentals of Emergency Management
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
Homeland Security Law and Policy
Comparative Homeland Security Systems
Environmental and Human Security
Topics in National Security Intelligence
Strategic Planning and Decision Making
Total Credits20