Cybersecurity Policy Minor

The Minor in Cybersecurity Policy introduces students to the basics of cybersecurity, as well as to societal and business mandates for incorporating cybersecurity into an organization’s policies and governance structures. We study techniques for communicating about cybersecurity, and we explore solutions for sustaining cybersecurity within a variety of organizations.

This minor is available to CPS Online, Durham, and Manchester students. Students must be accepted into a participating accelerated master’s program to complete this minor.

Depending on the courses chosen, this minor may be completed 100% online or in a hybrid format (online/in-person courses). Some courses may be taken at any time, but other courses may be taken only after a student is accepted into one of the following participating accelerated master’s programs:

•  Master of Science in Cybersecurity Policy and Risk Management (MS CPRM)
•  Master in Public Policy (MPP)
•  Master of Public Administration (MPA)

  • Academic policies related to minors.
  • Some courses may be taken at any time, but other courses may be taken only after a student is accepted into one of the participating accelerated master’s programs.
  • The minor requires at least five courses. All courses for the minor must be completed with a minimum grade of C- and an overall GPA of 2.0.
  • Note that higher minimum grades and GPA may be required for these courses to count toward an undergraduate major or master’s degree.
  • No more than two courses used to satisfy undergraduate major requirements may be used for the minor.
  • If a student is enrolled in both sections of a dual-listed course, only one course section will be counted toward the minor requirements.

Pursuant to Graduate School policy for accelerated master’s, students must complete 90 credits before enrolling in 800-level courses. Students apply to the accelerated master’s program in their junior year and once admitted complete 800-level courses in their senior year.

Required Core Courses
HLS 455Introduction to Cybersecurity4
or CS 527 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
or CMPL 525 Foundations of Cybersecurity
CPRM 810Foundations of Cybersecurity Policy3
Select at least three courses from the following: 19-12
Propaganda and Persuasion
Policy Development and Communication
Security Measures I
Cybersecurity Standards, Regulations, and Laws
Security Measures II
Organizations, Change Management, and Leadership
Organization and Management in Public and Nonprofit Sectors
Organization and Management in Public and Non-profit Sectors
Leadership Theory and Practice
Nonprofit Management
Non-Profit Management
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
Foundations and Theories of Public Administration
Foundations and Theories of Public Administration
Cybersecurity Practices
Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
Fundamentals of Policy Analysis
Policy Across Borders
Media Strategy and Communication
Media Strategy and Skills
Total Credits16-19

An unlisted elective may only be included with prior approval from the minor coordinator.