Biological Sciences Minor

The minor in biological sciences will introduce students to the field of biological sciences in a five-course sequence that will provide substantial education and training in scientific concepts, science communication, and laboratory skills, as well as the central content areas of biology, including biomolecules, cell biology, genetics, physiology, ecology, and evolution.  Students adding the biological sciences minor will be adding a valuable credential to their major indicating a substantial additional skillset in the biosciences.

To ensure a course counts in the minor, it is required that students consult the minor coordinator, Dr. Patricia Halpin, before enrolling in the course.

The minor requires students to complete five courses (20-21 credits, depending on the courses chosen). The minimum acceptable grade in these courses is a C-, and the average grade for these courses must be a C or better.

Courses for non-majors (for example, BMS 507 Human Anatomy and Physiology I/BMS 508 Human Anatomy and Physiology II; BIOT 422 , BSCI 410 Contemporary Health Issues, BSCI 421 Diseases of the 21st Century, BSCI 432 Medical Terminology; BIOL 520 Our Changing Planet) will not count towards the minor.

Students are advised that to take some upper-level courses; BMS 503 General Microbiology/BMS 504 General Microbiology Laboratory and GEN 604 Principles of Genetics are frequently prerequisite courses.

Required courses
Select one of the following8
Introductory Biology: Molecular and Cellular
and Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology
Principles of Biology I
and Principles of Biology II
Select one of the following4-5
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
Principles of Genetics
Select two courses 18
Total Credits20-21

Must be majors-level courses in the biological sciences