Geography Major (B.A.)

The geography major provides undergraduates with a solid foundation in geography by uniting social and biophysical sciences, humanities and technology to examine the factors that make a place or environment unique. Connecting academic inquiry to real-world problem solving, you will develop critical thinking skills and be prepared to transfer classroom and field experience into a wide range of careers. 

With interests ranging from globalization to climate change and sustainability, urbanization to community development at home and abroad, UNH geography graduates have gone on to careers in urban, regional and transportation planning, community development, environmental conservation and natural resources management, sustainability science, geographic information science, market research, locational analysis, population studies, foreign aid, international diplomacy and education. 

Students intending to major in geography should consult with the department chairperson.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Students must complete 10 Geography courses (40 credits) with a minimum grade of C-minus.

Students complete foundation courses intended to provide a basic understanding of human, physical, and world regional geography. It is recommended the courses be taken as early as possible in a student's program. Students also complete required skills courses, which provide the basic analytical and technical skills used in geography, electives, and a capstone course.

Foundation Courses
GEOG 401World Regions: Europe and the Americas4
or GEOG 402 World Regions: Asia and Africa
GEOG 572Geography of the Natural Environment4
GEOG 580Human Geography: People and Places4
Skills Courses
GEOG 591Making Maps: GIS Fundamentals4
Elective Courses
Select five courses from the following: 120
There Is No Planet B
Elements of Weather
China: People, Politics and Economy
Sub-Saharan Africa: Environmental Politics and Development
Natural Hazards and Human Disasters
Geography of the Natural Environment
Global Landscapes and Environmental Processes
Society, Environment and Justice
Global Trade and Local Development
Political Geography
Making Maps: GIS Fundamentals
Climate and Society
Political Ecology
Select one 600-level Writing Intensive course from the following:4
Climate and Society
Political Ecology
Total Credits40


Students interested in geographic information systems, remote sensing, locational analysis, and other geographic techniques may specialize in Geotechniques by completing three 700-level methods courses in Geography (GEOG 750-769).


Any GEOG course, excluding GEOG 401 and GEOG 402.

Independent study courses including GEOG 695 Internship and GEOG 795 Special Project may be applied to the major elective requirement once if taken for a total of four (4) credits.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
GEOG 401
World Regions: Europe and the Americas
or World Regions: Asia and Africa
Discovery Course 4
Language Course 4
First Year Seminar 1
GEOG 400-level Course 4
Language Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Second Year
GEOG 580 Human Geography: People and Places 4
GEOG 572 Geography of the Natural Environment 4
Discovery Course 4
Discovery Course 4
GEOG 591 Making Maps: GIS Fundamentals 4
Discovery Course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Third Year
GEOG 500-level Course 4
GEOG 600-level Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
GEOG 600-level Course 4
Discovery Course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Fourth Year
GEOG 600-level Course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
GEOG 600-level Course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
 Total Credits129

Students can explore a second major, minor, or general electives.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Integrate biophysical and socio-cultural disciplinary traditions to explain the complex interrelationships between and among human-natural systems spanning local to global scales.
  • Communicate geographic concepts, research, and methods of analysis professionally and effectively through written products, oral presentations, and visualizations appropriate for the intended audience.