Classics Major: Latin & Latin Teaching Option (B.A.)

The Latin and Latin Teaching (LLT) option is designed to provide a good foundational liberal arts education centered on Latin and the Roman world, but it also includes specific elements that make it particularly appropriate for students who are considering careers teaching Latin in secondary schools after graduation. This option does not lead directly to state certification.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of each individual major program. Bachelor of arts candidates must also satisfy the foreign language proficiency requirement.

Classics majors may use two major-required courses to satisfy two Discovery category requirements.

The required minimum overall GPA in major coursework is 2.0.

To complete the LLT option of the classics major, a student must complete 10 courses (40 credits), distributed as follows:

Latin Language Courses
Select at least 20 credits of LATN courses at the 504 level or above 120
Other Courses
Student must take at least three of the following courses in areas concerning mythology or Roman history:12
Classical Mythology
Introduction to Roman Civilization
Classical Myth II: The Power and Persistence of Myth
History of Ancient Rome
Topics in Ancient Roman History
Select 8 credits of electives (which may include credits earned in a capstone experience) 28
Select an approved capstone experience from the following:
Capstone Course
Senior thesis
Honors thesis
At least 12 credits in 700-level LATN courses
Approved external internship
Supervised Practicum
Approved semester study abroad focused on the classical world
Total Credits40

At least 4 credits must come at the 700 level.


An up-to-date list of these courses is always available from department advisors, and advisors can also approve exceptions in writing. The following CLAS courses do not count: CLAS 403 Introduction to Greek Civilization and CLAS 694 Supervised Practicum. Besides CLAS 401 Classical Mythology and CLAS 404 Introduction to Roman Civilization, no other 400-level courses may count. No Greek language courses are required for the LLT option, but students are encouraged to complete at least the introductory sequence (401–402).

There are also courses taught outside of the program that are approved substitutes for CLAS courses, and the department will accept up to 8 credits from such courses. An up-to-date list of these courses is available from departmental advisors and additional exceptions are allowed with the written approval of the advisor.

Please note that the LLT option does not by itself meet New Hampshire state certification requirements. Students interested in a path to teaching and licensure should inform their primary academic advisor to be connected with the advising contact in Education to discuss teaching licensure paths including a site-based license through the appropriate state department of education.

Please note that the LLT option does not by itself meet New Hampshire state certification requirements. Those who intend to pursue this certification should enroll in EDUC 500 Exploring Teaching as early as possible and then apply early in the fall of their year of graduation for a fifth year of internship and study through UNH's Department of Education. Students are also encouraged strongly to consider taking some EDUC electives during their period of undergraduate study.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Ability to read major works of Latin authors in prose and poetry, and to translate Latin into idiomatic English.
  • Ability to read aloud both prose and poetry in correct meter in Latin using an accepted standard of pronunciation.
  • Knowledge of the morphology, phonology, and syntax of Latin; and of the historical development of Latin and the place of Latin in the etymology of English words.
  • Ability to write short compositions in Latin.
  • Knowledge, as demonstrated in essays or papers, of: a) major aspects of Greek and Roman history, cultural institutions and their connections to the western tradition and other world cultures b) the history and content of Green and Roman literature, in translation or in the original c) classical mythology.