Child Life Minor

The department of Human Development and Family Studies offers a minor in Child Life. The minor introduces undergraduate students to the Child Life profession, which works with children, adolescents, and families facing challenges associated with hospitalization, medical procedures, illness, and disability.  You will gain insight on how to support children and their families to effectively cope with the stress and anxiety of hospitalization using developmental play and normalized activities in their environment.

For students who wish to go on to become Child Life Specialists, the full list of UNH approved courses by the Association of Child Life Professionals  can be found under HDFS Undergraduate Forms.  Click here to read more about ACLE certification.

The Child Life minor may also be taken by HDFS students.

Academic policies related to minors.

Required Courses
HDFS 565Introduction to Child Life 24
or SW 565 Introduction to Child Life
HDFS 623Infant and Child Development 34
Select three courses from the following:12
Learning Through Play
Adolescent Development
Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Settings
Parenting Across the Life Span 2
Special Topics (Child Life Design and Programing) 2
Curriculum for Young Children
Practicum 1
Child Development Internship 2
Death and Dying 2

Internship under the supervision of a CCLS. Contingent on approval from instructor and securing an internship site.


Approved Child Life Certification course.  These courses meet  the Association of Child Life Professionals requirements to sit for the Exam.  Note: Course work is only part of the ACLP requirements.  Please visit the ACLP Site by clicking here for complete information.