Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology Minor

The minor is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills necessary for pursuing degrees in medicine and allied health.

Admission to the applied Human Anatomy & Physiology minor is based on successful completion of the below courses (or equivalent accepted by minor advisor) with a grade of C or better and a minimum GPA of 2.75.

Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Animal Anatomy and Physiology I
and Animal Anatomy and Physiology II

Academic policies related to Minors.

Required Courses
EXSC 620Physiology of Exercise4
KIN 652Clinical Kinesiology4
KIN 653AMusculoskeletal Assessment2
KIN 706
KIN 707
and Neurology Lab
Select one of the following:4
Scientific Foundations of Health and Fitness
Biology of Aging
Activity, Injuries and Disease
Total Credits20