Climate Science Minor

The Department of Earth Sciences offers a minor in Climate Science available to all University students. The Climate Science minor provides an opportunity for students to complement their major field of study with foundational knowledge and essential skills in Climate Science.

Students interested in the Climate Science minor should contact for more information.  

Academic policies related to Minors.

Credit toward the minor will only be given for courses passed with C- or better, and a 2.00 grade-point average must be maintained in courses for the minor.

  • Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used for a minor.
  • No more than 8 credits used to satisfy major requirements may be used for the minor.
  • No more than 2 courses or 8 credits may be from transfer coursework. Any transferred coursework must be approved by the minor coordinator.

For additional details on how to declare a minor, please visit

Required Courses
ESCI 401Dynamic Earth4
or ESCI 402 Earth History
or ESCI 405 Global Environmental Change
or ESCI 409 Geology and the Environment
or ESCI 501 Introduction to Oceanography
ESCI 514Introduction to Climate3
Climate and Society Course 1
Complete one approved 500/600 level course. Suggested courses include:4
Environment and Society
Environmental Sociology
Global Change and Social Sustainability
There Is No Planet B
Elements of Weather
Global Landscapes and Environmental Processes
Environmental Pollution and Protection: A Global Context
Quantitative/Statistics Course 2
Select one course from the following:4
Quantitative Methods in Earth Sciences
Spectral Analysis of Geophysical Time Series Data
Introduction to Statistical Analysis
ESCI Climate Science Course
Select one course from the following:3-4
Landscape Evolution
Biogeosciences in the Earth System
Principles of Hydrology
Introductory Physical Oceanography
GIS for Earth & Environmental Sciences
Remote Sensing Earth & Environmental Sciences
Total Credits18-19

The course meeting the climate and society requirement should be selected in consultation with the Climate Science Minor advisor.


Students may fulfill the quantitative/statistics requirement using any approved statistics course.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the broad attributes of and interactions within the Earth System.
  • Describe the history of Earth's climate, how and why the climate is changing today, and how those changes impact society.
  • Perform simple statistical calculations to process and evaluate quantitative climate science data.
  • Summarize, analyze, and evaluate the primary climate sciences literature.