Leadership Minor


The Minor in Leadership at Paul College was designed for students motivated by a deep sense of passion and purpose. This program energizes them to mobilize resources which enable people to successfully fulfill their roles and responsibilities in their organizations. The Leadership minor course of study will help you to develop your leadership identity and skills such as effective communicating, inspiring and developing people, and awakening passion in others for great accomplishments.

The Leadership program combines coursework from management and social sciences, along with an experiential learning requirement in leadership. The minor also allows students to pursue their leadership passions through the selection of two elective courses.

Academic policies related to minors.

The Minor in Leadership consists of specified courses: two(2) required management courses, one(1) behavior/society course, two(2) elective courses, one(1) leadership experience. Requirements and specified course options to satisfy the minor are listed below.

Leadership Minor

Two Required Management Courses
Business Administration Majors Only:
Behavior in Organizations
Leadership Assessment and Development
Non-Business Administration Majors Only:
Organizational Behavior
Leading with Impact: Strategies for Modern Leadership
Behavior/Society course
Select one course from the following:
Comparative Government and Society
Social Psychology
Contemporary Social Problems
WS 505
(Leadership for Social Change)
Select two courses from the following:
Leading People and Effective Communication I
Leading People an Effective Communication II
Community Development Perspectives
Applied Community Development
Public Speaking
Special Topics in Interpersonal Studies (Collaborative Leadership)
Fundamentals of Emergency Management
Strategic Planning and Decision Making
Human Resource Management
Talent Acquisition
Strategic Negotiation and Conflict Management
Organizational Changemaker Skills
Leading Small Organizations II
Seminar on Leadership and Management I
Adventure Programming: Backcountry Based Experience
Experiential Teaching & Leadership
Happiness, Well-Being , and a Good Life
Leadership in Recreation Services
Management and Finance in the Experience Industry
Class, Status and Power
Special Topics
Principles of Coaching
Athletic Administration
Advanced Topics in Coaching
Arts Administration and Entrepreneurship
Stage Management
Directing II
WS 405
WS 796
(Leadership for Social Change II)
Or, additional Behavior/Society Course from above
Additional courses by petition
Leadership Experience
Select one from the following:
Orientation Leader
Resident Assistant
Spark Leader
Teaching Assistant
BiP-Social Intelligence Topics (Leadership in Practice )
Special Topics (Student Development Peer Educator)
Social Innovator's Toolbox
Washington Center Course
Leadership Laboratory
Team and Leadership Fundamentals I
Team and Leadership Fundamentals II
Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention (SHARPP) Peer Advocacy
Leadership Laboratory I
Leadership Laboratory II
Supervised Student Teaching
Supervised Student Teaching: Peer Advisor
Special Topics ( campus Recreation Applied Leadership)
Alternative leadership experience by petition

Please note:

  • You are responsible for checking pre-requisites for all courses listed
  • Pre-requisites and permissions vary by course and department. Students are responsible for checking and meeting pre-requisite requirements. Some courses may be restricted to certain majors and require permission.
  • All transfer courses must be evaluated for equivalency
  • No more than 2 transfer courses may be applied to the minor
  • Capacity in courses may be limited
  • Several of the listed courses are "special topics" (or equivalent). Please make sure that the course has the same title (not simply the same number) as the listed course in order for it to count for the minor.
  • The Leadership Minor also follows UNH policy for minors