Analytical Economics Major (B.S.)

B.S. in Analytical Economics emphasizes the predictive and prescriptive modeling skills that are in high demand in today's labor market. Prescriptive modeling is quantitative and strategic decision analysis geared toward corporate decisions. Predictive modeling emphasizes data analysis skills used to develop the information needed to make these decisions.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

B.S. analytical economics majors must complete eleven courses in economics with a grade of at least a C- (1.67) in each Paul College major course and an average grade of 2.3 or better in the major courses. In addition, majors must complete MATH 424A and ADMN 403, ADMN 410, ADMN 510, and an ethics course (PHIL 431 Business Ethics or equivalent). ECON 775 is the capstone course for the B.S. major and satisfies the capstone requirement of the University Discovery Program.

ECON 401Principles of Economics (Macro)4
ECON 402Principles of Economics (Micro)4
ECON 501Business and Economic History4
ADMN 403Computing Essentials for Business1
PAUL 405Freshman Academic Experience I1
PAUL 406Freshman Academic Experience II1
MATH 424ACalculus for Social Sciences4
ADMN 410Management Information Systems4
ADMN 510Business Analytics and Statistics4
PHIL 431Business Ethics4
ECON 565Predictive Modeling: Data Driven Economic Analysis4
ECON 606Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus 14
ECON 611Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis 14
ECON 726Introduction to Econometrics4
ECON 727Advanced Econometrics 24
At least two (2) Economics electives8
ECON 775Applied Research Skills for Economists 34
Total Credits63

Major credit toward ECON 606 Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus and/or ECON 611 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis will be awarded to transfer students only if equivalent courses have been taken at the upper level. Transfer students must take at least five of their economics courses at UNH. All economics-related courses taken at other institutions must be approved by the economics department in order for them to count toward the major.


 Or other Department approved quantitative course


ECON 775 Applied Research Skills for Economists is the capstone course for the B.S. major and satisfies the capstone requirement of the University Discovery Program.

 Students may petition to substitute one business administration course for an economics elective if the course is at the 600 level or above and if a grade of C- or better is earned. Students may earn no more than 16 credits in internships, independent studies, field experience, and supervised student teaching experience. All Analytical Economics majors must satisfy the bachelor of science degree requirements, and all Discovery Program requirements. Students satisfy the Inquiry requirement of the Discovery Program before the end of their sophomore year by completing an Inquiry or Inquiry-attribute course within the Paul College, or another course offered by another college at the University.

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ECON 401
Principles of Economics (Macro)
or Principles of Economics (Micro)
ADMN 403 Computing Essentials for Business 1
ADMN 410 Management Information Systems 4
ECON 501
Business and Economic History
or First-Year Writing
MATH 424A Calculus for Social Sciences 4
PAUL 405 Freshman Academic Experience I 1
ECON 402
Principles of Economics (Micro)
or Principles of Economics (Macro)
PHIL 431 Business Ethics 4
ENGL 401
First-Year Writing
or Business and Economic History
Discovery 4
PAUL 406 Freshman Academic Experience II 1
Second Year
ECON 606 Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus 4
ADMN 510 Business Analytics and Statistics 4
Discovery 4
Discovery 4
ECON 611 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis 4
ECON 565 Predictive Modeling: Data Driven Economic Analysis 4
Discovery 4
Discovery 4
Third Year
ECON 726 Introduction to Econometrics 4
Economics Elective 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
ECON 727 Advanced Econometrics 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Fourth Year
Economics Elective 4
Course selected in consulation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consulation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consulation with advisor 1 4
ECON 775 Applied Research Skills for Economists 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
 Total Credits131

Students can explore a second option, second major, minor, or general electives.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students have core proficiency in microeconomics. They understand key concepts including opportunity cost, marginal analysis, voluntary exchange, diminishing marginal returns, equilibrium and market structure.
  • Students have core proficiency in macroeconomics. They understand key concepts including GDP, inflation, interest rates, business cycles, exchange rates, financial institutions and fiscal and monetary policy.
  • Students have strong oral communication skills. This includes fundamental skills in preparing and delivering presentations, as well as being able to explain technical material clearly and concisely.
  • Students are able to apply a statistical model to an economic question and interpret the results.
  • Students are proficient in applying a programming language to statistical analysis.