Business Administration Major: Information Systems and Business Analytics Option (B.S.)

The Option in Information Systems and Business Analytics (ISBA) will appeal to students who wish to learn how to take advantage of contemporary technologies to solve complex business problems. Pivotal contributors to the success of any venture must be able to understand and communicate both the business needs as well as the technical details of solutions. The option prepares students for a career in a wide range of industries by helping them master the fundamentals of information systems and business analytics, as well as the ability to implement solutions or provide leading-edge, analytics-based solutions to real business problems. Students work on real-world industry projects and apply concepts and problem-solving skills learned in the classroom. All students in the option develop functional knowledge and skills in information systems and business analytics. Beyond the required courses in the option, students may choose between an emphasis in Information Systems or an emphasis in Business Analytics. The ISBA option can be completed as a single or dual option. In either case, the graduate will have tangible knowledge and skills. Regardless of one's interest area or degree, employers look for people that can help them solve problems efficiently and effectively. The ISBA option prepares students to do just that, and continue learning as technology and business continue to change. 

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

A typical plan of study follows, showing the major-required courses. Students take 16-18 credits per semester. Discovery Program requirements (including the Inquiry requirement in the first two years) and elective courses are taken as well. Students are expected to follow this course plan. In the first three semesters, students cannot take more than two major courses in a single semester. The options have additional requirements as noted. For a detailed schedule/plan of study for each option, students should check with the Paul College Undergraduate Programs and Advising Office for specific recommendations.

Required Courses
ADMN 401Introduction to Responsible Business Management4
ADMN 403Computing Essentials for Business1
ADMN 410Management Information Systems4
ADMN 502Financial Accounting4
ADMN 503Managerial Accounting4
ADMN 510Business Analytics and Statistics4
ADMN 570Introduction to Financial Management4
ADMN 575Behavior in Organizations4
ADMN 580Quantitative Decision Making4
ADMN 585Marketing4
ECON 401Principles of Economics (Macro)4
ECON 402Principles of Economics (Micro)4
MATH 422Mathematics for Business Applications4
or MATH 424A Calculus for Social Sciences
PAUL 405Freshman Academic Experience I1
PAUL 406Freshman Academic Experience II1
PAUL 660BiP-Social Intelligence Topics 22
PAUL 670BiP-Analytical Intelligence Topics 22
PAUL 680BiP-Competitive Intelligence Topics 22
PAUL 690BiP-Professional Intelligence Topics 22
ADMN 775Strategic Management: Decision Making 14
Information Systems and Business Analytics Option Requirements
Required Courses
DS 673Database Management4
DS 775Corporate Project Experience4
Electives 3
Select three courses from the following:12
Programming for Business
Data Visualization and Prescriptive Analytics
Predictive Analytics and Modeling
Topics in Decision Sciences
Topics in Decision Sciences II
Honors Thesis in Decision Sciences
Global Supply Chain Management
Topics in Accounting (Accounting Analytics)
Calculus II
Marketing Analytics 4
Financial Modeling and Analytics 4
Big Data in Finance 4
Cybersecurity Practices
Total Credits20

Depending of the choice of option and the specific requirements thereof, students may be able to take PAUL or non-PAUL electives in their junior or senior year. 


This is the capstone course in the business administration  program, and satisfies the capstone requirement of  the Discovery Program. Students may be required to concurrently enroll in ADMN 700 PAUL Assessment of Core Knowledge (zero credits) for AACSB accreditation purposes.


Students may satisfy PAUL 660, PAUL 670, PAUL 680, PAUL 690 requirements through other courses/experiences with approved intelligence attributes assigned.  


A minimum of two electives must be DS courses.  


May be taken only by students completing 2nd option in Accounting, Finance or Marketing. 

Sample Degree Plan

This sample degree plan serves as a general guide; students collaborate with their academic advisor to develop a personalized degree plan to meet their academic goals and program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
ADMN 401
Introduction to Responsible Business Management
or Management Information Systems
ECON 401
Principles of Economics (Macro)
or Principles of Economics (Micro)
MATH 422
Mathematics for Business Applications
or Calculus for Social Sciences
ADMN 403 Computing Essentials for Business 1
PAUL 405 Freshman Academic Experience I 1
ADMN 410
Management Information Systems
or Introduction to Responsible Business Management
ECON 402
Principles of Economics (Micro)
or Principles of Economics (Macro)
ENGL 401 First-Year Writing 4
Discovery 4
PAUL 406 Freshman Academic Experience II 1
Second Year
ADMN 502 Financial Accounting 4
ADMN 510 Business Analytics and Statistics 4
Discovery 4
Discovery 4
ADMN 503 Managerial Accounting 4
ADMN 580 Quantitative Decision Making 4
Discovery 4
Discovery 4
PAUL 660
BiP-Social Intelligence Topics
or BiP-Professional Intelligence Topics
Third Year
ADMN 570 Introduction to Financial Management 4
ADMN 585
or Behavior in Organizations
DS 673 Database Management 4
Discovery 4
BiP Business in Practice (PAUL 660, 670, 680 or 690) 2
ADMN 575
Behavior in Organizations
or Marketing
ISBA option course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
BiP Business in Practice (PAUL 660, 670, 680 or 690) 2
Fourth Year
ADMN 775
ADMN 700
Strategic Management: Decision Making
and PAUL Assessment of Core Knowledge
ISBA option course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
BiP Business in Practice (PAUL 660, 670, 680 or 690) 2
DS 775 Corporate Project Experience 4
ISBA option course 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
Course selected in consultation with advisor 1 4
 Total Credits135

Students can explore a second option, second major, minor, or general electives.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate proficiency in the core content areas of business.
  • Students will think critically to address business situations.
  • Students will demonstrate communication skills to interact effectively in business situations.
  • Students will identify and understand the ethical dimensions and implications of business decisions.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze a business situation by applying a multiple stakeholder lens.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of business practices as they relate to local, national and global competitiveness.