
The University of New Hampshire is the state’s public research university, providing comprehensive, high-quality undergraduate programs and graduate programs of distinction. Its primary purpose is learning: students collaborating with faculty and staff in teaching, research, creative expression and service.

UNH has a national and international agenda and holds land-grant, sea-grant and space-grant charters. From its main campus in Durham, to its component campuses in Manchester, Concord and online, the University serves New Hampshire and the region through continuing education, cooperative extension, cultural outreach, economic development activities and applied research.

Preamble and Statement of Agreement

The Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities Handbook is the University’s official compendium for the Student Code of Conduct, cornerstone student policies and expected standards of behavior. The “S.R.R.R.” also serves as the companion document for the Undergraduate Academic Catalog, Graduate Academic Catalog, and the Law School Academic Catalog. Each shared statement represents our individual and collective commitment to upholding the ethical, professional, and legal standards we use as the basis for our daily and long-term decision-making and actions.

Unless otherwise noted, the rules stated in this handbook apply to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students enrolled at the University. Enrollment at the University of New Hampshire is considered an acceptance of all conditions specified in this document. Because the University establishes high standards for membership, its standards of conduct, while falling within the limits of the law, may exceed federal, state, or local requirements.

All students are expected to review and become familiar with its contents, prior to attending classes so that they may begin their work at UNH with knowledge both of their rights as students and of their responsibilities as members of the local and academic community. Extensive efforts have been made to be sure that the contents of this document are complete and up to date, but the University also reserves the right to adopt, modify or rescind any of the policies, rules, or regulations, according to established guidelines, as may be necessary for the interest of the University. In the event changes exceed technical amendments for the purposes of keeping this document current, the Dean of Students will be responsible for publishing the changes and informing the community.

Community Principles

All who work, live, and study at UNH are here by choice. We recognize our differences as assets, while also acknowledging the visible, invisible, and intersecting dimensions of identity, power, and privilege inherent in systems and society. To ensure the University serves its students and meets its mission of distinction in education, scholarship, and service, the following principles will help to shape our interactions with one another and our various communities:

We Act With Integrity

In order to ensure that the University can dedicate itself fully to its mission, it is expected that an individual’s personal integrity will be reflected not only in honest and responsible actions, but also in a willingness to provide direction to others whose actions may be harmful or counterproductive to themselves or the community in a timely, predictable, meaningful way. The University expects that members of the community will be truthful and forthright; and will not engage in behavior that endangers their own sustained effectiveness or that has serious ramifications for the safety, health, well-being or professional obligations of the individual community members themselves or others. Raising a concern in good faith is a service to the University and does not jeopardize one’s position, employment, enrollment, or academic standing.

Responsible Stewardship and Care of the Physical Environment

As a land and sea grant institution with campuses throughout New Hampshire, we provide outstanding services to local, state, national, and international stakeholders in agricultural and natural resources and work to support a coastal environment that sustains healthy ecosystems, economies, and people. We also acknowledge the spiritual and physical connection the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples have maintained to N’dakinna (homeland) and the aki (land), nebi (water), olakwika (flora), and awaasak (fauna) which the University of New Hampshire community is honored to steward today.

We recognize our responsibility, individually and collectively, to give of our time, abilities, and resources to promote the wellbeing of each other and the development of our local, regional, and global communities. As partners in building and shaping the local community, the University of New Hampshire and the Town of Durham authored the Statement of Shared Civic Commitment to offer direction, sustain and enhance a positive social environment and welfare of all.

Human Dignity and Individual Rights

The ideas of different members of the university community will frequently conflict, and we do not attempt to shield people from ideas that they may find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even offensive. As Wildcats we are committed to creating an inclusive, egalitarian environment where every member of the community feels a sense of belonging, and one another’s abilities, views, and accomplishments are appreciated and celebrated.

We value basic civil rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and we honor the inherent dignity of all people in a community where freedom of expression, reasoned discourse and dissent are embraced, while rejecting harm and violence in all its forms.

This affirmation aligns directly with the University’s Nondiscrimination Statement:

The University of New Hampshire seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, faculty, staff and students.  We are committed to enhancing and sustaining an educational community that is inclusive and equitable, and cherish these values as being inextricably linked to our core mission.  We are a public institution with a long-standing commitment to equal employment and educational opportunity for all qualified persons.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, pregnancy, or political orientation.  This applies to admission to, access to, treatment within, or employment in UNH programs or activities.

Local and Global Citizenship

Members of the University enjoy the rights and privileges associated with their status and are bound by the laws of the surrounding community. Every individual has a personal responsibility to review, become familiar and be in compliance with our established policies and behavioral expectations, in addition to the general law.

While some situations may overlap with criminal laws (e.g., theft, drugs, or sexual assault) and civil statutes (e.g., fraud, social host laws, neighborhood issues), university policies and the conduct process are intentionally and appropriately different. A student who violates certain regulations can be held accountable by the public courts as well as by the University. Student status does not forgive or cover criminal, civil, or other legal consequences for violations of federal, state, or local laws or ordinances.

The University also encourages students to cultivate an ethical stance and recognize their mutuality and interconnectedness as global citizens. Students who participate in study abroad programs and international experiential opportunities are legally subject to the same laws and regulations that govern the host country’s citizens.

Declaration of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students at the University of New Hampshire have at least the rights and responsibilities common to all citizens, free from institutional censorship; affiliation with the university as a student does not diminish the rights or responsibilities held by a student or any other community member as a citizen of larger communities of the state, the nation, and the world.

The following enumeration of rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by these individuals in their capacity as members of the campus community or as citizens of the community at large. Further, this articulation shall not preclude the University from establishing standard policies, procedures, requirements, or restrictions that all students must adhere to in the exercise of their rights.

Right to Academic Freedom and Expression

Students’ rights include the freedom to learn, free and open expression within limits that do not interfere with the rights of others, free or disinterested inquiry, intellectual honesty, sustained and independent search for truth, the exercise of critical judgment, respect for the dignity of others, and personal and institutional openness to constructive change.

Right to Contribute to University Governance

Students have the right to participate in institutional governance and to be involved in the formulation and review of policies concerning student life, services and interests, standards of conduct and disciplinary procedures as defined by the appropriate governing body, responsible party or office. 

As the primary source of advocacy, Student Senate executive officers have additional responsibilities to ensure students who represent a cross section of the campus community are seated on university standing and special committees, and may initiate nomination or appointment procedures in accordance with governing bylaws. 

Right to Freedom of Association and Assembly

Students are free to form, join, and participate in groups or organizations that promote student interests, including but not limited to groups or organizations that are organized for intellectual, religious, social, economic, political, recreational, or cultural purposes. Students may engage in peaceful and orderly protests and demonstrations so long as these events do not disrupt the normal operations and functions of the University.

Right to Due Process

Students have the right to be informed and have access to university policies which affect them. When students are accused of engaging in prohibited academic or behavioral conduct, they have the right to a fair disciplinary resolution process, including the right to receive timely notice and a meaningful opportunity to respond to the allegations.

Students have the right to have their case adjudicated by an impartial factfinding body, the right to challenge factfinders for bias or any conflicts of interest with the potential to undermine the integrity of the conduct process, and the right to be protected from capricious and arbitrary decision-making.

Right of Confidentiality of Student Records

All students who are or have been in attendance at the University have the right to inspect and review their education records subject to the limitations and exceptions set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and its related regulations, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and 34 CFR Part 99.

Education records belong to the University and, although students have the right to review and request amendments, the University designates various offices as the unit custodians with responsibility to ensure proper access control and to handle, store, and dispose of the records as appropriate.

Responsibility to Uphold Professional, Behavioral and Academic Standards of Conduct

All members of UNH share responsibility for promoting and protecting the highest standards of integrity and mutual respect in scholarship and professional practice. Any rules or regulations considered necessary to govern the interaction of the members of the university community are intended to reflect values that community members must share in common if the purpose of the community to advance education and to enhance the educational development of students is to be fulfilled.

Membership in the legal profession requires conduct that meets exacting and demanding ethical standards. As persons preparing for that profession, Franklin Pierce School of Law students are required to meet the highest standards of the profession, in any law school activity and in relationship to any other member of the law school community. 

Responsibility to Monitor Information Technology Identification Address

The University of New Hampshire often communicates with students on official matters in written form. The progression of technology has prompted the University to adapt both its administrative and educational communications to benefit from this technology. In those instances when the University chooses to communicate with students through technology, it typically does so with the use of the University-generated UNH Username. The University will provide and maintain this UNH Username; it will be the responsibility of the student to monitor official communication sent by the University to this UNH Username on the UNH email system, as well as those posted to the UNH Portal (MyUNH) and accessible with this UNH Username.

Inquiries regarding discrimination and discriminatory harassment (including sexual harassment) should be directed to:

Bohdan Zaryckyj
Title IX Coordinator and Director of the Civil Rights and Equity Office
105 Main Street, Thompson Hall
Durham, NH 03824-3547
603.862.2930 (voice)
603.862.2936 (fax)
7-1-1 (Relay NH)
Ren Haywood
EEO/ADA Compliance Officer
Civil Rights and Equity Office
105 Main Street, Thompson Hall
305 603.862.2929 (voice)
603.862.2936 (fax)
7-1-1 (Relay NH)

Or to the Boston Civil Rights Office:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02109-3921
617.289.0111 (voice)
617.289.0150 (fax)
800-877-8339 (TTY)

Or to the Executive Director:

State of New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights (NHCHR)
Industrial Park Drive, Bldg. One
Concord, NH 03301-8501
603.271.2767 (voice)
603.271.6339 (fax)