Credit Transfer
A maximum of 12 credits taken by a student prior to matriculation (internal and external combined) can be applied to a degree program. Transfer credits must be formally approved and appear on the UNH transcript in order for them to count towards the degree requirements.
External to UNH
Students may request that a maximum of two courses, for up to 8 credits of graduate level coursework, from an accredited institution authorized to grant graduate degrees, be transferred to count toward their graduate program. Courses must be at the graduate level and cannot have been used or be in the process of being used in earning another graduate degree or certificate or have been taken while completing a bachelor's degree. A grade of B or better must have been earned. Students must submit an External Transfer Credit Form to request that the credits be applied to their degree requirements.
The transfer credit request must be recommended by the program faculty and approved by the Graduate School. Current UNH graduate students who wish to take a course at another university, with the intention of transferring, should obtain the approval of their advisor and graduate school prior to enrolling in the course to ensure that the course meets the transfer requirements.
International Universities
Students requesting credit transfer from an international university must have their transcript evaluated by a third party before submitting a transfer request. World Education Services (WES) ( is the preferred evaluator, but other evaluation services can be accepted. Students can request that the evaluation service send the final transcript evaluation directly to the Graduate School.
Internal to UNH
A maximum of 12 credits of UNH graduate level (800-900) courses completed by a non-degree student or taken as an accelerated master's student may, upon approval of the Graduate School, be applied to a student's degree program. Each program's faculty retain discretion regarding the maximum number of graduate credits that will be recommended for approval (not exceeding 12). Students must submit a UNH Transfer Credit Form to request that these courses be applied to their degree requirements.
Non-Degree Credit Transfer for Certificate Programs
No more than half of the required credits for a certificate can be taken at UNH prior to matriculation (enrollment in the program after admission) in a certificate program. All coursework in a certificate program must be taken at UNH. Courses may be applied to only one certificate program but may also be applied to a master’s or doctoral degree program at UNH. Students must submit a UNH Transfer Credit Form to request that these courses be applied to their degree requirements.
Continuing Education Units
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized method of quantifying the time spent in the classroom during professional development and training activities. Ten hours of instruction = 1.0 CEU. One hour of instruction = 0.1 CEU. CEUs are not transferable as graduate credit.