Humanities Minor (Manchester)

The Humanities minor is an interdisciplinary program where students can combine Humanities courses and courses from other disciplines that form a multidisciplinary theme or topic. The minor in Humanities is an excellent way to add breadth of perspective to specialized study in particular disciplines. Many professions encourage students to develop skills and knowledge outside their area of professional interest. The Humanities minor can meet this objective and make college education a more enlightening and rewarding experience. Students selecting a minor in Humanities should, in consultation with a faculty advisor in Humanities, identify a general theme or topic for the minor.

To earn a minor in Humanities, students must complete 20 credits with no individual grade lower than C in minor courses.

ENGLĀ 419How to Read Anything4
Select at least two courses in the Humanities (HUMA)8
Select more courses in Humanities (HUMA) or choose complementary courses from other disciplines, such as English, Philosophy, Communication Arts, History, or Business, which contribute to the student's multidisciplinary theme or topic. 18
Total Credits20

Select in consultation with a faculty advisor in Humanities.