
Beginning in the 2025-2026 academic year, the Humanities major will no longer be accepting new students. Current Humanities students will continue to have access to the same high-quality education and resources until they graduate.

Channel your curiosity about the human condition with our highly interdisciplinary Humanities program. With self-designed concentrations and faculty mentorship, you’ll develop the intellectual, analytical and communication skills that will set you apart in any industry.

As a Humanities major, you’ll sharpen your abilities in analysis and critical thinking through exploration of diverse works of art, music, literature, history, philosophy and the sciences. Let your interests fuel your studies with self-designed concentrations, from the social and ethical implications of genetic engineering to the examination of a historical period through literature, the arts and more.

With the personalization to tailor your degree to the future you want, the skills and knowledge you’ll gain will help you reach your career goals.